You know what I love about laptops? You can use them while you take a shit.
Now that I've put that horrible, horrible image into your head (because I'm evil), let me tell you about what I've been up to recently. First, as I may have mentioned earlier, I started using a new internet browser, Mozilla Firefox. I've become addicted to finding and downloading various plugins and such to make it the most awesomestest browser ever, so at the moment I can do all kinds of crazy stuff like:
Go to the root of the URL I'm at, or just move up one slach (or backslash, whatever).
Use these little arrow things to go through image galleries with a simple click.
Save the URL of a picture with one click.
Search Google, Google Images, IMDB, Wikipedia,,, astalavista, and tons of other sites by selecting them off a personalized list and typing in my search.
Download an entire page and all it's links with two clicks (useless to me because I've got dial-up, but... Um... It's cool).
Open a link in IE if it's wierd in Firefox (unfortunately, Firefox is only about 90% compatible with the internet).
Zoom in and out on images.
And a bunch of other sweet stuff I can't remember, like share my bookmarks.
So yeah, you should all get Firefox. Now.
It has a couple quirks that piss me off, but it doesn't crash, like, ever. And it has all the aforementioned plugins and tons of others.
Now that I've put that horrible, horrible image into your head (because I'm evil), let me tell you about what I've been up to recently. First, as I may have mentioned earlier, I started using a new internet browser, Mozilla Firefox. I've become addicted to finding and downloading various plugins and such to make it the most awesomestest browser ever, so at the moment I can do all kinds of crazy stuff like:
Go to the root of the URL I'm at, or just move up one slach (or backslash, whatever).
Use these little arrow things to go through image galleries with a simple click.
Save the URL of a picture with one click.
Search Google, Google Images, IMDB, Wikipedia,,, astalavista, and tons of other sites by selecting them off a personalized list and typing in my search.
Download an entire page and all it's links with two clicks (useless to me because I've got dial-up, but... Um... It's cool).
Open a link in IE if it's wierd in Firefox (unfortunately, Firefox is only about 90% compatible with the internet).
Zoom in and out on images.
And a bunch of other sweet stuff I can't remember, like share my bookmarks.
So yeah, you should all get Firefox. Now.
It has a couple quirks that piss me off, but it doesn't crash, like, ever. And it has all the aforementioned plugins and tons of others.
internet explorer can kiss my firefox-lovin ass!