Wow, I've been forgetting to comment on people's journals recently. If that happened to you, sorry. I still love you.
Unless you're a guy, then I love you in a platonic and non-creepy perfectly normal and comfortable way.
If you're an SG, I love you in a very, very creepy way. Look outside your window in the bushes. No, no, the other bushes. Over here.
I'm starting to piss myself off because I procrastinate so much. I blame SG and sleep. Without those two things, I'd be fine.
Okay, I'd probably kill myself. But other than that, fine.
I've also discovered a tendency to get really, really horny after taking my nightly Melatonin (a drug that makes you sleepy). This didn't used to happen, and I haven't switched any meds or taken any new and exciting drugs, so I dunno what's going on. Wierd.
I can't wait for summer. It'll be so nice to relax and hopefully get some filming done. Maybe have some all-night anime binges. And hopefully hang out with some SGOHIO people, y' never know.
So, to steal a popular journal thingy:
Question for the day:
What do you eat when you want to be creative (or you just wanna get stuff done)? At the moment, I do cereal bars and milk, or anything and Jones Strawberry and Lime Soda (greatest drink ever).

Unless you're a guy, then I love you in a platonic and non-creepy perfectly normal and comfortable way.
If you're an SG, I love you in a very, very creepy way. Look outside your window in the bushes. No, no, the other bushes. Over here.
I'm starting to piss myself off because I procrastinate so much. I blame SG and sleep. Without those two things, I'd be fine.
Okay, I'd probably kill myself. But other than that, fine.
I've also discovered a tendency to get really, really horny after taking my nightly Melatonin (a drug that makes you sleepy). This didn't used to happen, and I haven't switched any meds or taken any new and exciting drugs, so I dunno what's going on. Wierd.
I can't wait for summer. It'll be so nice to relax and hopefully get some filming done. Maybe have some all-night anime binges. And hopefully hang out with some SGOHIO people, y' never know.
So, to steal a popular journal thingy:
Question for the day:
What do you eat when you want to be creative (or you just wanna get stuff done)? At the moment, I do cereal bars and milk, or anything and Jones Strawberry and Lime Soda (greatest drink ever).
raw wedges of tomato sprinkled with salt and
sometimes a capfull shot of vinegar to start things up.
Oh, and 20 mgs of dextroamphetamine.