So guess what... You'll never believe this... I actually DID something yesterday. Yeah, I know, scary.
So yeah, I went to Antioch to hang out with SunniWithAnI, and once I found where I was supposed to be, I was there.
I'm slightly tired, by the way.
So once I was there, I went upstairs (as directed by Sunni), and discovered the most kickass hallway in the history of the universe. I shit you not, this was the hallway to end all hallways. The walls were completely covered in graffiti, and not just shitty gang-tag pussy graffiti, either. This was high-end, bubbly awesome graffiti.
Did you know that I should be using the word graffito instead of graffiti? Yeah, well I did know that, but I'm still not using it. 'Cause I'm cool like that.
So after I recovered from the awesome, I wandered around until someone came out and was Sunni at me. So I was like "Hey." and she was like "Hey." and the crazy hippie lady was like "Hi, my name's [Crazy Hippie Lady]. Did you know your hat is EVIL!?"
Okay, not those exact words, but something like that.
The CHL told me about how it was wrong for me to wear the hat, because it lowered the self-esteem of Africans (hey, don't ask me, it's her Crazy).
It was interesting seeing her try to lecture me after I explained that the hat came from Jamaica (for my fellow geographically challenged, Africa and Jamaica are close together in the sense that they're not).
So eventually she went away after I looked at her tits too many times (not enough for her to say anything, but enough to piss her off), and me and Sunni (remember her?) went and talked about how much SG kicks ass. Then she introduced me to her friends and the Wall of Gay. I shit you not, the Wall of Gay (well, it's not called that, but it's something like that).
The Wall of Gay is the only wall in the 2nd story of the building that isn't covered in graffiti, but it's awesome nonetheless. As far as I can tell, it's a celebration of gay culture or something... All I know is, it had these fucking awesome stencil drawings (not as awesome as Kate's of course, but awesome) and a picture of two really really fat men or women humping. It was cool as hell.
So after that, we talked for a while (me and Sunni, not me and the hefty sexually ambigous drawings). She told me she was really fucking tired, so I let her escape the boringness that is me.
So to summarize: Went to Antioch, saw graffiti, met hot SG member, got lectured by CHL, saw Wall of Gay, hung out with hot SG member, left. Slept.
So yeah, I went to Antioch to hang out with SunniWithAnI, and once I found where I was supposed to be, I was there.
I'm slightly tired, by the way.
So once I was there, I went upstairs (as directed by Sunni), and discovered the most kickass hallway in the history of the universe. I shit you not, this was the hallway to end all hallways. The walls were completely covered in graffiti, and not just shitty gang-tag pussy graffiti, either. This was high-end, bubbly awesome graffiti.
Did you know that I should be using the word graffito instead of graffiti? Yeah, well I did know that, but I'm still not using it. 'Cause I'm cool like that.
So after I recovered from the awesome, I wandered around until someone came out and was Sunni at me. So I was like "Hey." and she was like "Hey." and the crazy hippie lady was like "Hi, my name's [Crazy Hippie Lady]. Did you know your hat is EVIL!?"
Okay, not those exact words, but something like that.
The CHL told me about how it was wrong for me to wear the hat, because it lowered the self-esteem of Africans (hey, don't ask me, it's her Crazy).
It was interesting seeing her try to lecture me after I explained that the hat came from Jamaica (for my fellow geographically challenged, Africa and Jamaica are close together in the sense that they're not).
So eventually she went away after I looked at her tits too many times (not enough for her to say anything, but enough to piss her off), and me and Sunni (remember her?) went and talked about how much SG kicks ass. Then she introduced me to her friends and the Wall of Gay. I shit you not, the Wall of Gay (well, it's not called that, but it's something like that).
The Wall of Gay is the only wall in the 2nd story of the building that isn't covered in graffiti, but it's awesome nonetheless. As far as I can tell, it's a celebration of gay culture or something... All I know is, it had these fucking awesome stencil drawings (not as awesome as Kate's of course, but awesome) and a picture of two really really fat men or women humping. It was cool as hell.
So after that, we talked for a while (me and Sunni, not me and the hefty sexually ambigous drawings). She told me she was really fucking tired, so I let her escape the boringness that is me.
So to summarize: Went to Antioch, saw graffiti, met hot SG member, got lectured by CHL, saw Wall of Gay, hung out with hot SG member, left. Slept.
OMGOMGOMG i love your thread! um... who is floyd?