Sooooooo bored... Wow, for three days, that post count's pretty good. And by good, I mean sad.
So yeah, um... I spent all yesterday on SG, pretty much. That's really, really pathetic.
I should get to bed, I've got Japanese in the morning... But meh, I can speak shitty Japanese just as well when I'm half asleep.
Um... I might be going to a MTG party at UD, which is cool. As long as we don't spend the whole time playing that...
I seem to have some subconscious love of "...". Yay?
Dammit, I'll stop typing when I'm good and ready!
My eyes feel wacky. I hate it when you get a good tired buzz going, then it's ruined by being... Uh, more tired. Or something.
Oh yeah, and you all should check out Five Foot Setback's web page. They're damn good for a bunch of kids. Although I really shouldn't talk, I'm not that much older than most of them...
Well, my NOFX playlist is still playing, so I'm not done typing.
Ah, ferk it.
So yeah, um... I spent all yesterday on SG, pretty much. That's really, really pathetic.
I should get to bed, I've got Japanese in the morning... But meh, I can speak shitty Japanese just as well when I'm half asleep.
Um... I might be going to a MTG party at UD, which is cool. As long as we don't spend the whole time playing that...
I seem to have some subconscious love of "...". Yay?
Dammit, I'll stop typing when I'm good and ready!

My eyes feel wacky. I hate it when you get a good tired buzz going, then it's ruined by being... Uh, more tired. Or something.

Oh yeah, and you all should check out Five Foot Setback's web page. They're damn good for a bunch of kids. Although I really shouldn't talk, I'm not that much older than most of them...
Well, my NOFX playlist is still playing, so I'm not done typing.
Ah, ferk it.
So Missy already rejected the first set I submitted (which I will be posting in SG Hopefuls as soon as I've submitted this comment.) She did, however, give me a free 6-month membership, which is quite spiffy since I have no money, and she said I should look around, get a good feel for the sets, and then submit another one. All hope is not lost.
But still! Rejected! So go! Do the roughing up thing! Or rather, the getting roughed up thing! And make sure that someone is filming it so I can laugh when Missy crushes your skull between her bare hands, m'kay?...
Oh, and happy day-after-day-after-birthday! 19 is a perfect age to die, I think. Nice non-knowing you!