Tuesday night a coworker took me to a crazy soiree sponsored by Amazon. They had no ginger ale for me to drink my vodka and ginger ales, and tried to pass off a mixture of Sprite and Coke as "close-enough" ginger ale. Unh-unh.
That hot gay cop from Six Feet Under was there, and as a woman I spoke with said, "He's all, 'I'm here, I'm not queer, get used to it!'"
I felt grotesquely out of place, even though it was fun people-watching. And also, their gift backs were terrific. All orange-themed for some reason - books with "orange" in the title, a giant tub of orange sherbert Philosophy bath gel, an orange-flavored Luna bar, and other orange things. More re-gifting ammo, as far as I'm concerend. However, the recipients will have to be people who don't read this here journal!
At the end of the evening, I gave a random kid with no car a ride to another party. I must have given him my phone number at some point, because at 2:45 am when I was fast asleep, he called and left a message saying he was too scared to go to his apartment because coyotes were circling it.
So now I'm sick as a dog, with a head cold and nagging cough. I stayed home today, which I really did not want to do since I had a file due, but I called in and everything appears to be in order. Hopefully, I will feel better when I wake tomorrow....
That hot gay cop from Six Feet Under was there, and as a woman I spoke with said, "He's all, 'I'm here, I'm not queer, get used to it!'"
I felt grotesquely out of place, even though it was fun people-watching. And also, their gift backs were terrific. All orange-themed for some reason - books with "orange" in the title, a giant tub of orange sherbert Philosophy bath gel, an orange-flavored Luna bar, and other orange things. More re-gifting ammo, as far as I'm concerend. However, the recipients will have to be people who don't read this here journal!
At the end of the evening, I gave a random kid with no car a ride to another party. I must have given him my phone number at some point, because at 2:45 am when I was fast asleep, he called and left a message saying he was too scared to go to his apartment because coyotes were circling it.
So now I'm sick as a dog, with a head cold and nagging cough. I stayed home today, which I really did not want to do since I had a file due, but I called in and everything appears to be in order. Hopefully, I will feel better when I wake tomorrow....
Vodka and ginger ale, vanilla vodka and dr. pepper. These are drinks I've never tried, but have been meaning to. Well, maybe substitute diet ginger ale, and diet dr. pepper.
Can I borrow your life for a few weeks? You always seem to be into such interesting stuff.
He called you back the same night, and didn't even wait the LA standard 2 days? I keep thinking of that hilarious scene in Swingers.
I hope you feel better sweetie. Try some hot tea with honey and fresh ginger root. It'll make you feel right as rain!