Something delightful happened to me last night: I was asked to present a form of ID to prove that I was over 18
As someone who has had a beard since the age of 15
, and is haggard and beaten enough to look nearer 40 than 20, this is a landmark moment. So much so in fact, that I had to shake the said gentleman's hand and thank him profusely. Maybe I am still young after all!
P.S. 10 points to anyone who can successfully identify where I am in my picture over there <-
P.P.S. Just heard that Chief Justice Rehnqvist has popped his clogs. Likelihood is Antonin Scalia will be appointed in his stead, which means right wing nazi-esque hegemony for the Supreme Court

As someone who has had a beard since the age of 15

P.S. 10 points to anyone who can successfully identify where I am in my picture over there <-
P.P.S. Just heard that Chief Justice Rehnqvist has popped his clogs. Likelihood is Antonin Scalia will be appointed in his stead, which means right wing nazi-esque hegemony for the Supreme Court

I dont recognise your face from the show. Glad you enjoyed zee eighties
It was my very first time in brighton. Beautiful place, went to the fucking pier innit. Like a pheonix.
Did you hang around after and go to the house party thing or owt?