sex talk

Talk about sex, relationships, love, and everything related. Please remember to be respectful.

Adult Film and Photography

This is for mature talk on Adult film and art, as well as good quality content. Must be an active member on the site to be accepted. All models are accepted. No spam allowed here!!

film club

Film, movies, cinema, whatever you want to call it! Please don't spoil anything!


This group exists to discuss all things Piercing. Ask questions, tell stories, share tips and experiences. Please use the SEARCH FUNCTION and check the "Before You Post Your Question" thread [b]BEFORE[/b] you post. **Please note: Any recommendations made by members of this group are not to be construed as, or …

weight loss

A group for those who are trying to lose weight. Here you'll find support, ideas, motivation, and anything else on the subject. There are no miracle cures. Hard work and eating right is the only sustainable weight loss method. There is one and only only thread about weight loss pills …


All things related to tv shows and cartoons! Woo! Please don't spoil anything!

tech & gadgets

Do you have more electronic gizmos strapped to your belt than Batman? Show off your latest toys, share news and tips for staying "connected" in the digital age with other tech-savvy members. "Whoever dies with the most toys wins!"


For the motorheads, gearheads, enthusiasts and the auto-curious. All makes, models, mods and vintages welcome.


A place for drunks to make new drinking friends and limit our senseless babbling to one group, or a place for us to get drunk together then screw up all the other boards en masse. Drunks always need to meet new drinking friends cuz we repeat ourselves a lot and …