So....despite the crossed fingers...I sadly didn't make it into the calendar... picture wasn't finished in time...sooo...yep
Life goes on and I still get to go to New York next year ! woohoo!
I got my tattoo darkened and I'm making a marionette and a mobile with little mexican wrestler fish...
It's my reading break but all I can do is more homework! I've taken up smoking weed again to chill out and to keep me from boredom while I spend hours on my homework...
We shaved Clover and she looks funny...scruffy...
I dyed my hair dark brown to give my hair a rest from the reds...
Might be going to prom with Tiamat if we can get the money together...we wanna make a detour to disneyland and tijuana...we need a vacation dammit...espescially overworked me...
Anyway sorry for disappearing...I'm a busy bee...must have picture wasn't finished in time...sooo...yep
Life goes on and I still get to go to New York next year ! woohoo!
I got my tattoo darkened and I'm making a marionette and a mobile with little mexican wrestler fish...
It's my reading break but all I can do is more homework! I've taken up smoking weed again to chill out and to keep me from boredom while I spend hours on my homework...
We shaved Clover and she looks funny...scruffy...
I dyed my hair dark brown to give my hair a rest from the reds...
Might be going to prom with Tiamat if we can get the money together...we wanna make a detour to disneyland and tijuana...we need a vacation dammit...espescially overworked me...
Anyway sorry for disappearing...I'm a busy bee...must have
I put some of our Disneyland pix in my journal tonight
Hope you have a FABULOUS weekend!!
Love and Winx, Jinxi