Well...that was the shittiest Christmas ever.
I really made an extra effort to make things fun and keep a positive attitude. It almost seems like the nicer I am the shittier I get treated?? I really don't understand. I feel stupid for buying people presents and really getting into Christmas when they turn around and treat me like crap.
My New Year's resolution is to stop being nice to people because nobody ever even notices.
In other news...a guy in my class was in Thailand when the tsunami hit and I really hope he and his brothers are okay. Everybody cross your fingers for him.
Anyway...sorry about the poopy-pants entry...I'm just kinda sad. Soon I will be back to the stress of school and I will post more pictures in my folder on here.
I hope everyone had a better Christmas than I did.
I really made an extra effort to make things fun and keep a positive attitude. It almost seems like the nicer I am the shittier I get treated?? I really don't understand. I feel stupid for buying people presents and really getting into Christmas when they turn around and treat me like crap.
My New Year's resolution is to stop being nice to people because nobody ever even notices.

In other news...a guy in my class was in Thailand when the tsunami hit and I really hope he and his brothers are okay. Everybody cross your fingers for him.
Anyway...sorry about the poopy-pants entry...I'm just kinda sad. Soon I will be back to the stress of school and I will post more pictures in my folder on here.
I hope everyone had a better Christmas than I did.

It's obscene, the culprit that made your holidays shitty should find themselvs strung up a tree.
Stress of school...hun you need to find some down time somwhere to relax and be happy.