im just hoping i can type better than i can talk right now
i am just shit faced
i had what me and my friends call "drunken bowling night" and me and my one buddy were drunk b4 we got there
everyone else was recovering from last night because we had a couple of birthdays last night
bunch of pussys
well i better stop writing b4 i do something stupid like confess my love for someone or something
i tend to do stuff like that when im this drunk
so anyways goodnight everyone and ill be like u guys tomorrow, reading this for the first time
i just hope my vehicle is at the bowling alley otherwise
i got some searching to do tomorrow
the next morn.....
i felt surprisingly pretty well this morning
i forgot i had to be up at 8 am to play golf
once i was out there and got a couple beer in me i was feeling great
and my jeep wasnt where i remembered
but it was at a friends place so that was alright
well everyone have a good day ill see ya later
i am just shit faced
i had what me and my friends call "drunken bowling night" and me and my one buddy were drunk b4 we got there
everyone else was recovering from last night because we had a couple of birthdays last night
bunch of pussys
well i better stop writing b4 i do something stupid like confess my love for someone or something
i tend to do stuff like that when im this drunk
so anyways goodnight everyone and ill be like u guys tomorrow, reading this for the first time
i just hope my vehicle is at the bowling alley otherwise
i got some searching to do tomorrow

the next morn.....
i felt surprisingly pretty well this morning
i forgot i had to be up at 8 am to play golf
once i was out there and got a couple beer in me i was feeling great
and my jeep wasnt where i remembered
but it was at a friends place so that was alright
well everyone have a good day ill see ya later

Want to come see Cabin fever on Tuesday? Call me