[2] sometimes i catch myself saying...
"i do not know what's going on these days: when someone has your name and the digits of your s.s. they call it 'identity theft'... seriously, you lose your identity because someone has some data about you... as if there was any doubt of how irrational the world is becoming... c'mon guys, you are not two lines of data. personal-fucking-identity is what and who you are, not some info floating in the net.
...then i realize to what point philosophy can fuck up your social life: sometimes having a "normal" conversation can be like the fucking olympics.
[3] and now for the mundane: i think i am developing an addiction for portabella mushrooms.
A friend told me that I should go get certain lymph nodes drained by a massage therapist because they get really full when you have crazy sleeping patterns...Supposedly afterwards you get headaches and need to drink a lot of water. Sounds fun