
think about it, if you want to be happy, be kind to somebody. I believe acts of kindness are like boomerangs, they return to you when you throw them out there into the cosomos. You should view others as angels sent that you might be kind to them so the cosmos can throw kindness back at you. I believe my purpose here on earth...
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Dude, I think it's fairly safe to say that the connection between the two events is coincidental at best. While that looks all sorts of interesting, it's one tied deeply to Mexican culture and I believe some religious connections, where I think now the event marks a town festival with cheesy stands and shit selling overpriced junk. Other than burning a figure in effigy, the two have almost zero in common. Zozobra appears to mark the start of an event, while the burning of the man at Burning Man is kind of the culmination of a week's celebration of a different nature. Google your own homework from here on in, or just hit the official site and draw your own comparisons.

odi omnes
Well if a fucktard from New Mexico thinks so, then cool. Despite the organizers knowing nothing about that event and it being about something else entirely, that's got to be the case. You're a genius.

odi omnes
Okay... here's one that's made me laugh quite a bit lately...


if you're feeling blue, go to the link
and i thought dogs only played poker
youve never heard of that? wow, thats been around forever.

all it is, is when someone has to fart, they say, "safety," its like a warning to those around.