It is RAINY and cold here in Seattle.. brrrrr!
I can't wait to escape to Hawaii for 11 days with Bettina. Sure we'll be working but, dude, we have WAY too much fun together.
She's promised me lots of yummy vegan eats and I am bound and determined to get the girls to go hiking and enjoy playing outside.
Tonight I am off to do my photo shoot for the PETA campaign... *cross your fingers for me!*
It's always been one of my life's goals to become a spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I have lived the majority of my life as an ethical vegetarian (ever since I was 11 & got my hands on a copy of "Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer).
In 8th grade I was expelled from school for protesting the brutal slaying of gophers on my middle school's campus. The school's custodial staff would smoke the animals out of their holes and club them to death in front of a crowd of cheering students when they proved to be a nuisance. I couldn't believe I was the only student who found this absolutely intolerable- a crime against the children to have to witness such an act as well as the senseless & totally unnecessary killing of animals.
In college I was a member of a hardcore sect of the A.L.F.
unfortunately my activism went beyond tabling and handing out Vegan Starter Kits.. and nearly resulted in a large group of us being incarcerated for economic sabotage of the site of horrific animal testing & abuse.
As time goes by I've realized that leading by example is the life that best agrees with my politics.. and creating subtle shifts in people's consciousness by being the best human you can be and living without harming any sentient being is far more radical than militant activism.. even if it feels a lot less punk rock.
I'm not sure if I have a chance since I am not a "LIVE" SG.. but hopefully the stars will align!
I can't wait to escape to Hawaii for 11 days with Bettina. Sure we'll be working but, dude, we have WAY too much fun together.
She's promised me lots of yummy vegan eats and I am bound and determined to get the girls to go hiking and enjoy playing outside.
Tonight I am off to do my photo shoot for the PETA campaign... *cross your fingers for me!*
It's always been one of my life's goals to become a spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. I have lived the majority of my life as an ethical vegetarian (ever since I was 11 & got my hands on a copy of "Animal Liberation" by Peter Singer).
In 8th grade I was expelled from school for protesting the brutal slaying of gophers on my middle school's campus. The school's custodial staff would smoke the animals out of their holes and club them to death in front of a crowd of cheering students when they proved to be a nuisance. I couldn't believe I was the only student who found this absolutely intolerable- a crime against the children to have to witness such an act as well as the senseless & totally unnecessary killing of animals.
In college I was a member of a hardcore sect of the A.L.F.
unfortunately my activism went beyond tabling and handing out Vegan Starter Kits.. and nearly resulted in a large group of us being incarcerated for economic sabotage of the site of horrific animal testing & abuse.
As time goes by I've realized that leading by example is the life that best agrees with my politics.. and creating subtle shifts in people's consciousness by being the best human you can be and living without harming any sentient being is far more radical than militant activism.. even if it feels a lot less punk rock.
I'm not sure if I have a chance since I am not a "LIVE" SG.. but hopefully the stars will align!

Have fun in Hawaii!
Take that Europe and your "what does vegan mean" bs! Bettina got back again, woo! Thanks in no small part to Sesame Street's new line of organic vegan cookies!! Thanks Cookie Monster!
Whoa, it'll be good to get off the sugar again, it turns me into Motormouth Mabel!