Ok, so I have to tell everyone about the crazy thing that I experienced yesterday.
So I am leaving to go get Stella, my pug, food and I have a JAM packed day today of
prepping shit for mini tour to LA, etc... when I realize "hey, that thing in the road looked like a turtle.."
"oh well.. if it is still there when i drive back i'll check it out!"
So I drive back and i see the mysterious rock again and i get out and it IS
a turtle!
only he has red syrup all over his rear
OH wait a minute!
that is his blood!
and his shell is cracked!
So I picked him up and set him in some grass and drove up to my house and
tried to call the aspca and animal control and all this bullshit
and I totally LOST IT and started crying like a baby for poor Mr. squished Turtle.
I decided immediately I was gonna take him to the hospital and just be late
if I had to.
I couldn't stand the idea of leaving him out there suffering. So I throw
all the recycling on the floor , rip the box away and run down there..
Morrissey blaring, I snatch him up and drive him to the Pet Hospital.
3 hospitals later- because no one would take him because they dont treat
reptiles, I found an exotic animal clinic.
Then I leave him there and they ask me his name and I was like.. um it 's
MOZ, Moz the turtle... because as i was flying all over trying to find someone to help me we were listening to Morrissey and he totally started walking around and eating the organic spinach i had given him.
Whereas before he'd looked dead!
So I take him there and drop him off and am waiting for them to call. I
just swiped my credit card and told them I 'd pay for whatever he needed. And
that I wanted to adopt him.. so they FINALLY called me around 5pm and said
he has a cracked shell they are going to rejoin tomorrow and a broken tail,
but they were afraid he wouldnt be able to go to the bathroom so they had
to keep him over night. I guess he is hooked up to a turtle catheter?
I never heard of that before ever in my LIFE!
Hopefully he makes it!
So I am leaving to go get Stella, my pug, food and I have a JAM packed day today of
prepping shit for mini tour to LA, etc... when I realize "hey, that thing in the road looked like a turtle.."
"oh well.. if it is still there when i drive back i'll check it out!"
So I drive back and i see the mysterious rock again and i get out and it IS
a turtle!
only he has red syrup all over his rear
OH wait a minute!
that is his blood!
and his shell is cracked!
So I picked him up and set him in some grass and drove up to my house and
tried to call the aspca and animal control and all this bullshit
and I totally LOST IT and started crying like a baby for poor Mr. squished Turtle.
I decided immediately I was gonna take him to the hospital and just be late
if I had to.
I couldn't stand the idea of leaving him out there suffering. So I throw
all the recycling on the floor , rip the box away and run down there..
Morrissey blaring, I snatch him up and drive him to the Pet Hospital.
3 hospitals later- because no one would take him because they dont treat
reptiles, I found an exotic animal clinic.
Then I leave him there and they ask me his name and I was like.. um it 's
MOZ, Moz the turtle... because as i was flying all over trying to find someone to help me we were listening to Morrissey and he totally started walking around and eating the organic spinach i had given him.
Whereas before he'd looked dead!
So I take him there and drop him off and am waiting for them to call. I
just swiped my credit card and told them I 'd pay for whatever he needed. And
that I wanted to adopt him.. so they FINALLY called me around 5pm and said
he has a cracked shell they are going to rejoin tomorrow and a broken tail,
but they were afraid he wouldnt be able to go to the bathroom so they had
to keep him over night. I guess he is hooked up to a turtle catheter?
I never heard of that before ever in my LIFE!
Hopefully he makes it!
I love the name Stella. If I ever have a little girl, that is what I want to name her.