so the new house is going well,
but the boy situation isnt, so meh at that, i felt too pressured, and after 1 week he expected so much from me, and the more he wanted the more i backed away.. so hmm at that.
I find it so hard to meet the good guys, where are they!
oh well i kinda like being alone at the moment, cus i have alot to do at the moment
In other news tonight on my way hom on the bus i saw the ex, with another girl, kinda been waiting for that to happen, most of the time when im down in newtown i always wonder if i will see him, at least it wasnt that bad, because i was on the bus and he was just walking down the street, he didnt see me, and at least it was awkward if we had to walk past each other n stuff.. but its still hard, cus i do still think about him everyday, and it does shit me, cus i really dont want to!!
bah @ that.
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight, i really liked it, much more dark and weirder than the previous movie, which i think was their aim, and to make the movie accurate to the book, which it is. Johnny Depp is such a great actor, in alkl his movies, but i think especially in charlie and the chocolate factory, fear and loathing and pirates of the caribeen, plus he is very hot. mmmmmmmmm
I went to the forbes rally at the opera house on tuesday night, it went quite well, tho i wished there was more ppl there, but i suppose that all the scare tactics they used in the media about how violent the protest was going to be and how many police they had there scared alot of ppl away. A few things annoyed me about it tho, and that is when we were walking/marching down to the opera house from customs house, there is all apartments above the restaurants on that boardwalk, well when we were all walking by, some FUCKING DICKHEAD LOSERS which lived in those multi million dollar apartments threw STINKY fish water over their balcony. It was just really fucking dumb, because all we were doing was walking and singing, there was no violence, or carrying on, we were all simply walking down to the opera house to protest there. Secondly what shit me, was that in the speechs at customs house, from the organisers they said dont be violent, dont do stupid things, we have to behave, otherwise the media will jump on us and portray us in a bad way which is not what we want which is good for him to say that, because its really true, so we go to the operahouse, or as close as we can get, cus its all blocked off by fences and there was a stupid amount of police there, anyway some lil feral hippie boys that were wearing weird skirts and dresses decided to start bashing the fence and then obvioulsy their mates and other retards joined in, (this is only on one section of the fence, everyone else that had the fence near them obvioulsy managed to resit the temptation to push the fence over) anyway the fence goes down, the feral hippie boy runs, and about 4 seconds later he is surrounded by policemen and police dogs i duno what he thought he was doing because there was so many policemen and policedogs on the other side of the fence. Then all these policemen come in single file on the inside of the fence to make a barrier and to push the crowd back, then after they push their way in, they bought out police on horses, again on the inside of the fence, pushing the crowd back further, which was stupid because obviously it made the crowd more angrier, and its quite hard to push ppl back when there is no back to go to heh, anyway i saw the police take a bash at some guy, i believe this guy has now a broken collar bone, and i think all up 6 ppl got arrested that night, but they were arrested for really stupid little things, but as usual the media takes it and runs.
the best saying was get those animals off those horses.

but the boy situation isnt, so meh at that, i felt too pressured, and after 1 week he expected so much from me, and the more he wanted the more i backed away.. so hmm at that.
I find it so hard to meet the good guys, where are they!
oh well i kinda like being alone at the moment, cus i have alot to do at the moment
In other news tonight on my way hom on the bus i saw the ex, with another girl, kinda been waiting for that to happen, most of the time when im down in newtown i always wonder if i will see him, at least it wasnt that bad, because i was on the bus and he was just walking down the street, he didnt see me, and at least it was awkward if we had to walk past each other n stuff.. but its still hard, cus i do still think about him everyday, and it does shit me, cus i really dont want to!!
bah @ that.
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight, i really liked it, much more dark and weirder than the previous movie, which i think was their aim, and to make the movie accurate to the book, which it is. Johnny Depp is such a great actor, in alkl his movies, but i think especially in charlie and the chocolate factory, fear and loathing and pirates of the caribeen, plus he is very hot. mmmmmmmmm

I went to the forbes rally at the opera house on tuesday night, it went quite well, tho i wished there was more ppl there, but i suppose that all the scare tactics they used in the media about how violent the protest was going to be and how many police they had there scared alot of ppl away. A few things annoyed me about it tho, and that is when we were walking/marching down to the opera house from customs house, there is all apartments above the restaurants on that boardwalk, well when we were all walking by, some FUCKING DICKHEAD LOSERS which lived in those multi million dollar apartments threw STINKY fish water over their balcony. It was just really fucking dumb, because all we were doing was walking and singing, there was no violence, or carrying on, we were all simply walking down to the opera house to protest there. Secondly what shit me, was that in the speechs at customs house, from the organisers they said dont be violent, dont do stupid things, we have to behave, otherwise the media will jump on us and portray us in a bad way which is not what we want which is good for him to say that, because its really true, so we go to the operahouse, or as close as we can get, cus its all blocked off by fences and there was a stupid amount of police there, anyway some lil feral hippie boys that were wearing weird skirts and dresses decided to start bashing the fence and then obvioulsy their mates and other retards joined in, (this is only on one section of the fence, everyone else that had the fence near them obvioulsy managed to resit the temptation to push the fence over) anyway the fence goes down, the feral hippie boy runs, and about 4 seconds later he is surrounded by policemen and police dogs i duno what he thought he was doing because there was so many policemen and policedogs on the other side of the fence. Then all these policemen come in single file on the inside of the fence to make a barrier and to push the crowd back, then after they push their way in, they bought out police on horses, again on the inside of the fence, pushing the crowd back further, which was stupid because obviously it made the crowd more angrier, and its quite hard to push ppl back when there is no back to go to heh, anyway i saw the police take a bash at some guy, i believe this guy has now a broken collar bone, and i think all up 6 ppl got arrested that night, but they were arrested for really stupid little things, but as usual the media takes it and runs.
the best saying was get those animals off those horses.
