to cut a long story short, (actually the story is quite long)
I met up with C this morning.
He was 30 mins latre even tho where we were meeting was like 30 secs across the road from his house.
He didnt say hardly anything to me and questioned what the point of this was, i said i wanted answer, i wanted to know why one day things are fine next day total opposite without any explanation. he says he doesnt know and that he changed.
and well thats about all he had to say for himself, he apologised for being late but not for the rest of the shit, so i stood up and said well obvioulsy i was wrong and this is a waste of time and walked away.
he sent me a msg about 10 mins later saying sorry he cant be what i want and i wrote back "dont play sorry" blahblah then came a small sms fight (he said how am i selfish so i proceeded to tell him) and he never replied to that msg, which is good cus if he did was going to tell him not to contact me anymore (and actually mean it)
so yeah
i am sad i guess, i feel numb at the moment, but he has made it easy for me to be angry at him especially since he stood me up like 5 times or something rediculas.
but, i do have a confession to make, he mentioned having cuddles the other night, and well me being weak and positive and thought well maybe this is a good sign and thought maybe he missed me, but no, i went to his house, we hardly said 2 words to each other, i got there we went tobed, i got up in the morning and i left and thats about it..
i dont regret going to his house, but it made me see and maybe realise that his is a slimeball..
so that is that., (for real this time)
thanks for everyones support, u guys were right!!, but its always harder to do than say.
to cut a long story short, (actually the story is quite long)
I met up with C this morning.
He was 30 mins latre even tho where we were meeting was like 30 secs across the road from his house.
He didnt say hardly anything to me and questioned what the point of this was, i said i wanted answer, i wanted to know why one day things are fine next day total opposite without any explanation. he says he doesnt know and that he changed.
and well thats about all he had to say for himself, he apologised for being late but not for the rest of the shit, so i stood up and said well obvioulsy i was wrong and this is a waste of time and walked away.
he sent me a msg about 10 mins later saying sorry he cant be what i want and i wrote back "dont play sorry" blahblah then came a small sms fight (he said how am i selfish so i proceeded to tell him) and he never replied to that msg, which is good cus if he did was going to tell him not to contact me anymore (and actually mean it)
so yeah
i am sad i guess, i feel numb at the moment, but he has made it easy for me to be angry at him especially since he stood me up like 5 times or something rediculas.
but, i do have a confession to make, he mentioned having cuddles the other night, and well me being weak and positive and thought well maybe this is a good sign and thought maybe he missed me, but no, i went to his house, we hardly said 2 words to each other, i got there we went tobed, i got up in the morning and i left and thats about it..
i dont regret going to his house, but it made me see and maybe realise that his is a slimeball..
so that is that., (for real this time)
thanks for everyones support, u guys were right!!, but its always harder to do than say.
Good thing about crying it releases stress, Just give yourself time and don't rush into any other relationship, until you are more independant for yourself. and keep on smiling it is a brand new day.

If a bloke is a dick, what is a woman?