today i had fights with 2 close friends
so my day has been horrible
and all i wanna do is cry
and i think i might just do that..
oh and i scalded half my hand with boiling hot water today, it happened at 3:30, not its 9:30 and it heaps sore, the only thing that helps is ice, and if i leave the ice off for longer than 30 seconds it just burns/hurts so much, ive tried using some burn cream with local anasthetic in it but it just made it hurt more
how does one shower? hmm might need to have a stinky night
meh sleeping will suck
hope everyone had a better day than me,
been listening to this all day, its called its too late by evermore theyre heaps good
Monday morning: hesitate, I can't get out of bed
I'd rather go back to the dreams I'm living in my head
Tuesday evening: pack my bags, I'm heading out the door
I left a box of memories lying on the floor
Ride on, ride till early morning sun
Ride on, like the dawning of the day
It's too late, to let all your feelings show
Go on, til the night is swept away
I'm running from the city lights
I'm running from this empty life
I'm running out of time tonight
I'm screaming out for "Help! Help!"
"Slow down, your moving too fast
Go home, you'll feel better for it
Oh boy, you better stop dreaming
It's all in your head!"
'Cause it's too late now...
Ride on, ride till early morning sun
Ride on, like the morning of the day
It's too late, to let all your feelings show
Go on, til the night is swept away...

so my day has been horrible
and all i wanna do is cry
and i think i might just do that..
oh and i scalded half my hand with boiling hot water today, it happened at 3:30, not its 9:30 and it heaps sore, the only thing that helps is ice, and if i leave the ice off for longer than 30 seconds it just burns/hurts so much, ive tried using some burn cream with local anasthetic in it but it just made it hurt more
how does one shower? hmm might need to have a stinky night
meh sleeping will suck

hope everyone had a better day than me,
been listening to this all day, its called its too late by evermore theyre heaps good
Monday morning: hesitate, I can't get out of bed
I'd rather go back to the dreams I'm living in my head
Tuesday evening: pack my bags, I'm heading out the door
I left a box of memories lying on the floor
Ride on, ride till early morning sun
Ride on, like the dawning of the day
It's too late, to let all your feelings show
Go on, til the night is swept away
I'm running from the city lights
I'm running from this empty life
I'm running out of time tonight
I'm screaming out for "Help! Help!"
"Slow down, your moving too fast
Go home, you'll feel better for it
Oh boy, you better stop dreaming
It's all in your head!"
'Cause it's too late now...
Ride on, ride till early morning sun
Ride on, like the morning of the day
It's too late, to let all your feelings show
Go on, til the night is swept away...
Bummer about your day pretty girl, I hate fighting with friends
Ice is the best thing for a burn but not direct to the skin as ice can also burn, due to the fat and oils in your skin it can continue to burn for quite a while, oh and any burn that covers more then 1% of your body should receive medial attention (1% is about the size of the palm of your hand)
I was a medic in the army a few years ago, this stuff just stays with you, like R.I.C.E. rest , ice, compression, elevation which is what you do for burns, good luck and healing mate.