I cant believe that John Howard got voted back in
and to win so many seats 76 seats i think
makes me so depressed
this is what i posted on another forum
I just dont understand what possibly could have made ppl want to vote for John Howard.. it has been all out in the papers and public about all the things he lied about, so many campaigns against him - more than the other years against liberal.. I understand that ppl may not hold the same views as what i do, but when the facts have been placed on the table and you can see very well that he has lied.. why would you trust that man with your country, the air we breathe, water we drink, earth we stand.. when previously you didnt vote for him or his party you decide to vote for howard?
Even tho i was hoping so bad that John Howard wouldnt be re-elected, i kinda had that feeling, but i thought it would have been very close.. I am so surprised & disheartned about the amount of seats liberal got.. (Coalition 76 Labor 47 Independent 3)
I think back of all the things he has done so far, (war, fucked medicare, free trade agreement, tampa, mandatory detention for asylum seekers, refugee crisis, east timor, gst, + so much more) and i just wonder what else can he possibly do to rip out australia's heart and leave it as dead corpse - marching in line right behind America + globalisation..
i just dont get it...
and to win so many seats 76 seats i think

makes me so depressed
this is what i posted on another forum
I just dont understand what possibly could have made ppl want to vote for John Howard.. it has been all out in the papers and public about all the things he lied about, so many campaigns against him - more than the other years against liberal.. I understand that ppl may not hold the same views as what i do, but when the facts have been placed on the table and you can see very well that he has lied.. why would you trust that man with your country, the air we breathe, water we drink, earth we stand.. when previously you didnt vote for him or his party you decide to vote for howard?
Even tho i was hoping so bad that John Howard wouldnt be re-elected, i kinda had that feeling, but i thought it would have been very close.. I am so surprised & disheartned about the amount of seats liberal got.. (Coalition 76 Labor 47 Independent 3)
I think back of all the things he has done so far, (war, fucked medicare, free trade agreement, tampa, mandatory detention for asylum seekers, refugee crisis, east timor, gst, + so much more) and i just wonder what else can he possibly do to rip out australia's heart and leave it as dead corpse - marching in line right behind America + globalisation..
i just dont get it...

i agree 100% it makes me so depressed and has done for the past few months... i had the same gut feeling. i just dont get it. our country is turning into the kind of place i dont want to live in. It makes me so sad because this is the most beautiful country but people keep fucking things up and helping to fuck things up, its just going to keep giong downhill. blah