i like clothes shopping, i a bought a cute little dress
and if i had batteries fro my camera i would take photos - maybe later after i go to the shop. The only bad thing about the dress is that you have to wear it with pants - or at the beach, or if i was game enough to show my bum and front id wear it out, at the bottom of the dress the has big knit (i duno what real name is i call it big knit and small knit) so you can see through
but im going tyo wear it with leggings today i think it will look cute.
im dissapointed in the weather this weekend, been overcast the whole time - just rain already or let the sun out geeeez sky. whats up with that.
i saw 40 year old virgin - its really funny. I thought it was going to be some really dumb movie, but its actually ok. i laughed the whole time, and i dont remember the last time i laughed that much during a movie - most comedy's these days arent even funny.
I PAID HALF of my flight to TURKEY & EUROPE!@@@@
i cant believe im really going its going to be amazing and im goingto have to save like a scrooge. and that is tough because i love shopping na dbeing out and spending money!!! but ive made a budget and i write down everytime i spend money now, every expense, so i can be aware of it..
hmm its going to be rad
tahlina, me, greek boys, remote islands, isolated beaches - what more could a girl want
i think my banana cake is burning - so thats all i got for now
Here is some photos, i found some old ones of tahliana and I from a while back hehe
Rederranged and I
Tahliana and I
and this is just a quicky photo, thats why its shit and i cant be bothered doing a better one but the brown dress

and if i had batteries fro my camera i would take photos - maybe later after i go to the shop. The only bad thing about the dress is that you have to wear it with pants - or at the beach, or if i was game enough to show my bum and front id wear it out, at the bottom of the dress the has big knit (i duno what real name is i call it big knit and small knit) so you can see through
but im going tyo wear it with leggings today i think it will look cute.
im dissapointed in the weather this weekend, been overcast the whole time - just rain already or let the sun out geeeez sky. whats up with that.
i saw 40 year old virgin - its really funny. I thought it was going to be some really dumb movie, but its actually ok. i laughed the whole time, and i dont remember the last time i laughed that much during a movie - most comedy's these days arent even funny.
I PAID HALF of my flight to TURKEY & EUROPE!@@@@
i cant believe im really going its going to be amazing and im goingto have to save like a scrooge. and that is tough because i love shopping na dbeing out and spending money!!! but ive made a budget and i write down everytime i spend money now, every expense, so i can be aware of it..
hmm its going to be rad
tahlina, me, greek boys, remote islands, isolated beaches - what more could a girl want

i think my banana cake is burning - so thats all i got for now
Here is some photos, i found some old ones of tahliana and I from a while back hehe

Rederranged and I


Tahliana and I

and this is just a quicky photo, thats why its shit and i cant be bothered doing a better one but the brown dress

how long are you going to travel for?
I am not sure how it all started, I just thought it was a bit of fun speshly the satpics bit I could actually see my house for the sat photo, now come on that is cool