First, I just want to say "Sorry I've not been around and have ignored everyone for a few days!"
Well, while not as bad as some of your weekends (I know some of you face really difficult challenges that I can't begin to understand as much as I try) my weekend was still pretty awful. I've met 3 women using online dating, had 3 "dates" (I use that term loosely) and been told on all that "I'm not the one for them." Now, this last one took under 30 minutes to decide that - so obviously, she was going pretty much by appearances since you can barely get to know much about anyone in 30 minutes. Anyways, as much as that sucked, I was sick from Thursday to Sunday because I got a flu shot. I can't keep anything in my stomach and have lost 3 pounds in a not-fun way. I'm finally feeling better and just wanted to write this blog to apologise for not being around very much.
<3 Tami