I make no secret of the fact that my vagina is the product of some very expensive surgery to correct a birth defect. I'm female in every way, except that I wasn't born properly formed and had to have a sex change to correct all the messiness. Now I'm normal and happy ... except ... I'm fighting vicious depression as my boss at my university...
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Well, it's not coloured (and I'm not quite sure what colours it is going to be), but now my right leg has something I've dreamed of having for years. While I'm anti-violence and anti-guns, I thought it would be cute to have a little James Bond gun tucked into a garter. Brianna (Brass Anchor, Halifax, NS) once again came through with artwork I totally love....
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Well, after 3 days of hard work, I'm mostly settled back at home. No more staying in temporary rentals, spare rooms, couch surfing, and motels. I'm finally back in my own home. I've really missed the place. The only thing wrong is that I live alone and for the past 18 months I've had people around most of the time, so loneliness is worse. I'm...
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Well, I had the second part of my left leg coloured today. Now my vine runs from my ankle to mid thigh. It's not done, but I'm letting this one heal a month or two and starting on the garter that's going on my right thigh. I really like how this one has come out and I think Brianna did an awesome job (as always).
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First, I just want to say "Sorry I've not been around and have ignored everyone for a few days!"
Well, while not as bad as some of your weekends (I know some of you face really difficult challenges that I can't begin to understand as much as I try) my weekend was still pretty awful. I've met 3 women using online dating, had 3 "dates"...
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I need to go away for the weekend to help a friend at her vacation house. But, before I go, I get to head off to see Brianna (my artist) and get the next part of my leg tattoo lined. We do each segment in two steps, lines and then colouring about 2 weeks later. I've had my ankle to knee done and tomorrow I...
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"Share something you have crafted or DIY'd that you're proud of."
Well, I'm not a hopeful (yet) but I figured I'd start to get in some practice. I like making stuff, so this was a hard one to answer. I think the things I'm most proud of are:
1. A book I made, hand sewn binding, hand cut pages of thick soft paper, japanese printed...
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Ten! Somehow, I have 10 followers. I have no idea how or why, but I've got at least 10 people who are interested in what I've got to say. I think that is pretty awesome actually and I just wanted to thank those of you who took the time to follow me here. I'll do my best to post interesting comments and try to be...
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My long weekend is over and I'm back in SG-land again. I managed to peek in a few times (it was a Canadian holiday -- Thanksgiving) while I was mostly offline because I just kind of missed the place. It was a great escape and very relaxing, but now I'm looking forward to getting caught up and connected again.