Again I disappear, I've had mad court dates and finally after 9 months I'm sentenced. 24 months intensive probation, called T.A.S.C. on top of regular probation and having to report daily to a methadone clinic. It beats jail..... maybe if I serve 145 days i could just get this bull shit behind me. The thing is, jail changes a person, I've served 37 days although it doesn't seem like allot it sure in the hell feels like an eternity. It changes you, makes you numb. Its the hardest thing to try and explain.
Thank you to those who have stood by me during the hardest time of my life. I have much love for you all.
For those who are like, you did it to yourself so quit bitchin.......kiss my ass. I only say this because so many people have cut contact with me during this troubled time in my life, including another model on this site who I thought was one of my best friends. I've since tried to make amends to no avail and it breaks my heart to be judged like that, especially on a site like this which is all about being real, being yourself, being different. To each there own.
Much Love, Tamari
Ya know I debated weather or not to put up my mugshot.....but the thing is, I can laugh about this now, I can look at it as the kick in the ass I needed to get my shit here it is, the worst pic I've ever had taken.

Thank you to those who have stood by me during the hardest time of my life. I have much love for you all.
For those who are like, you did it to yourself so quit bitchin.......kiss my ass. I only say this because so many people have cut contact with me during this troubled time in my life, including another model on this site who I thought was one of my best friends. I've since tried to make amends to no avail and it breaks my heart to be judged like that, especially on a site like this which is all about being real, being yourself, being different. To each there own.
Much Love, Tamari
Ya know I debated weather or not to put up my mugshot.....but the thing is, I can laugh about this now, I can look at it as the kick in the ass I needed to get my shit here it is, the worst pic I've ever had taken.

When we hit the bottom the only way to go is up. All the best to you.
This is your journey... Some parts feel alone although you never are... Just reach out. We here. Only way is up...