I should really stop making snap decisions. All day today, I was just spending money and changing things.....I don't know why....maybe I'm going crazy.....who the hell knows?
Anywho, I decided to chop off all my hair, not that it looks bad....It's just really different then I'm used to, I kinda stepped outside my comfort zone.
So whatcha all think?

So I found out why I've felt so strange lately........I caught e-coli from a subway, it never fails, if there's some stupid virus going around, Im gonna be the one who catches it...WTF
Anywho, I'll get better...........or at least I better with all the damn meds they have me on
Anywho, I decided to chop off all my hair, not that it looks bad....It's just really different then I'm used to, I kinda stepped outside my comfort zone.
So whatcha all think?

So I found out why I've felt so strange lately........I caught e-coli from a subway, it never fails, if there's some stupid virus going around, Im gonna be the one who catches it...WTF
Anywho, I'll get better...........or at least I better with all the damn meds they have me on

Reflecting, I kind of looked like one of those characters from an old-time movie that's trying to represent "future people" by just making them bald and plain looking. Yeah; like that.
Anyhow, was just writing to see how you've been. Life been alright for ya? You know, besides the whole e coli thing.