today sucked, but at long last it's over and the night is before me. lots can happen, the eve may swing good or bad, but with a few drinks and a laid back queer bar the night should prove to be fun filled with drama of course...i can't wait!!! today we worked until 1800 and that just sucked, and all day we did srp shit getting ready to deploy for iraq; i wrote my last will and testament today; how depressing, but hey i'm not suppose to be deploying so i won't let it get me down. after an hour long safety breif and a pov inspection we were released for a three day weekend (yep that's right tomorrow is a training holiday, yeehaw). we are, as in ft. hood, having a freedom festival to celebrate the homecoming of 1st calv. and there will be a carnival-like-environment with some live entertainment; i care for none of the artist except for joan jett....i'm so excited and it's been said that more than likely i'll get to meet the rock-n-roll goddess...I CAN'T WAIT!!! well, i've not heard from mirium today, yesterday and all the other days of this week she has called like 6 times or more a day, but last night i cut our phone conversation short so that i could watch law and order; i have this strange crush on "detective oliva benson" (Mariska Hargitay), plus i really like the program even though the crime scences can be rather appalling. oh well, i don't really care to pursue the mirum drama, she has a girlfriend in the af that lives three hours away, but her girlfriend has a girlfriend in the army who is stationed in gaum, and all the biggest turn off of all is that she has two kids; a 4 yr old and a 6 yr old, both girls. plus we have absolutely nothing in common, she likes to go line dancing....hell no!!! and the worst thing about her is she thinks she a princess, at least she acts like she is and i'm not into high maintance and needness. however, the mp has been sending me text messages and this mornings said "good morning beautiful! how have you been? i'd like to c u again!" and i think that's a good thing cause i's sure like to see her again. i haven't seen her in nearly a month, but she's been in the field and we she wasn't i was in florida getting my crap and by the time i came back she was back in the field and then last weekend her mom was here in tx, but hopefully this weekend i'll get to see her....she's so cute and punk and she's an mp, need i say more??? anyhoo, time to get a shower and get ready for my night of adventure that awaits. take care all