i'm sad and i am sad a little more. my heart is broken. i gave away my little kitten einstein. i had him for about 6 weeks, and i finally gave him away. he was a homeless kitty that i took in until i could find a home for him. now he is on his way to san antonio to live with new parents and a kitty sister. his new father works/teaches bartending so little einstein will join his sister there at nights while their father teaches; they will run around the bar prancing and being merry, not from alcohol but from kittenhood. i just hope this was the right choice on my part. i fell in love with the little booger, but i already have two cats that i've had for 6 years and they just didn't want much to do with him besides hissing; also my boys are brothers and they have this special bond, and i don't think they would have ever accepted einstein. thus, einstein will go live w a new sister and hopefully form the special bond my two boys already have
however, if things don't work out...he will be back
the only problem with that is i am getting out of the army and will, unfortunately and dreadfully, be living with my parents again for and undetermined amount of time until i can land a job and a place of my own...thus, why i gave him away in the first place; my mother said "no, absolutely no, you will not bring another cat here, i don't even want the two you already have coming here...get rid of it. you should have taken it to the pound the day you found it." i don't think she has a full heart, i think some part of her emotions is missing. she didn't care that i was crying and attached and didn't want to give him away. oh well, what's done is done...i'll just keep trying to convince myself i have done what is right and what is best...kittens are resilient! i just hope his little heart doesn't break like mine is