so I'm a guy and I'm about to write an entry about crying, or rather a realization on my part that I can no longer cry. no longer cry for myself anyway. I can still cry at movies, or because someone's fucking dog died. but when it comes to me, ME, personal stuff.....shit, I just take it. keep it all in, don't get upset, wouldn't be right.....what? is this where I'm at now?
some shit happened earlier today, and I really think at some point in my life I'd have cried about it. but not today. all the emotions were there. scared, angst, dissapointment. but not enough to set me off.
am I broken?
is this the worst post ever?
fuck it........
some shit happened earlier today, and I really think at some point in my life I'd have cried about it. but not today. all the emotions were there. scared, angst, dissapointment. but not enough to set me off.
am I broken?
is this the worst post ever?
fuck it........

i think it has to do with getting older and pretty much getting more used to grieving in general.
sadly enough, i think we just get more used to it, and it takes a lot more to actually set us off...
Life hardens us a bit as we get older.