Today feels a little different. Overcame some hurdles at work, having a few interesting ideas about a writing project, and maybe, just maybe, some headway with a ceratain girl....although that is really hard to nail down due to conflicts with our schedules. DAMN!
But staying positive, or at least trying to.
What's everyone's Big Weekend Plan? I will be working, as it is what I do (I'm also having thoughts about trying to figure out where I might look for work that puts me more in synch with my peers - being the 40ish restaurant geek makes me an odd duck unless I want to hang out exclusively with restaurant people, and I love them, but that's boring).
I guess I like to write things in parentheses, yes?
But staying positive, or at least trying to.
What's everyone's Big Weekend Plan? I will be working, as it is what I do (I'm also having thoughts about trying to figure out where I might look for work that puts me more in synch with my peers - being the 40ish restaurant geek makes me an odd duck unless I want to hang out exclusively with restaurant people, and I love them, but that's boring).
I guess I like to write things in parentheses, yes?
but it was a bachelorette party for my friend.
80's music brings out the best in a lot of people