It's been too long.

Too much is happening.

How does it get to this point?
I'm just as confused as you are...
Hope things are okay for you?
Is it time for a career change?

Honestly, I've been at the new job for a month now, and it's really tiring me out. This is of course due in part to standard restaurant management hours, 10+ per day. Also the day shift/night shift things is fucking with me (but also giving me more nights free which is cool). But there's also just something basic,...
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Happy St. Patricks day/night!

just checking in
Update on the diabetic kitty. He seems entirely unfazed by the whole thing. The needles I have to stick him with are tiny, and he thinks I'm just petting him. What a goof. Much easier than giving pills to him. We'll see how his blood sugar is next week when we return to the vet (picture the $$$ flying out of my wallet).

Damn, it's...
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I'm sure your vet has probably already told you...
but they make a special diet for diabetic cats as well.
Since you are giving insulin shots though, your kitty may not need to be on it.
Hills puts it out, you can only get it thru a vet hospital. I think its called D/D.
Have a great weekend!
Rock Hard Kitty! biggrin
So I'll make a long story short. One of my cats has been diagnosed diabetic. Crazy? Yes. Common? I guess yes also. But I hadn't really thought of it. I mean I know it's a huge epidemic here in Fat America, the whole diabetes thing. But cats? Okay, he is older, 12yo, and a bit rotund (he's a bit lovable orange tabby, what's not to...
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She's in Mandalay, which is a Lars Von Tier film.
Its not getting good reviews, but not because of her acting.
It's just not one of his better ones.
Critics either love him or hate him...
I've only liked a couple of his films, but i find him very depressing.
The day was long, just got home
I'm looking forward to my day off...
work has been kicking my ass these days.
Shortstaffed and all...
enjoy your dinner!
When is someone gonna tell me why?
When will they explain how?
Suppose I'll ever know when?
'Cause it sure as hell ain't close to now...
Perhaps too much Brrrrrrrrr-bun prior to bedtime last night.

Oh, DAMN! One of my 'fave's is up with a new set. oki is inDEED the bomb.

Yeah, I like smaller girls. What's up with that? Me being so not small and all. Hmmmmm.

'Tis been rather spring-like here the last couple days. I likeeee.

Feeling a bit weird. Can't explain. I'll keep plugging away....or not.

sounds like life is going well for you!
why don't I got's a shugahhh Mommmmaaaaaaa.....?

don't I deserve me one?

felt I had to downgrade from Makers to Jim Beam tonight at the lick-her store. is that sad or what?

booze is still yummy though. and sometimes my only friend.

oh that sounds sad.

yeah....a little.

New Job....brain fry! Too much information all at once. But I think in the long run I'll figure it all out, I have lots of people around me to help out. It's a good thing.

The previously mentioned 'flake' girl....she's back in the loop again, after a very short period of 'I'm headed in a different direction' sort of vibe from her. Hmmmm. I'll be...
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Check under the rocks, they're a pain to spot shocked
Well....I've had this webcam for a while. Didn't really understand it's capabilities for still photos and editing said still photos until chatting with a female friend on the east coast the other night. We've never met in person. We were both feeling a little randy, she with her cocktail and I with mine. So after we signed off I did a little photo shoot. Look...
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The food thing I'll do okay with, there's food on campus. Unfortunately right now I don't have a "onecard" (which is what we use to get meals) and don't have the money to get mine replaced. But luckily I have friends who will use their cards to get me food until I have the cash to get a new one.

Though it's depresing that I can't even spend ten bucks so I can get my own free food blackeyed

The health thing is very strange, it worries me. I feel like my heartbeat has moved up to my head. I can feel my entire skull pulsing (though sometimes it moves to specific areas). This makes me worry that it's my heart, because it pulses to the rate of my heartbeat. Plus last night I woke up with my left arm aching so much I just had to sit there and whimper until it stopped.
girls are crazy.. like boys.. my best advice would be to stay away from them. tongue
You'd think a guy with my time on his hands, I've been outta work for over a month, would spend more time diving into his journal. But for some reason it's not comin'.

Tell you what I am doing a lot of.....EATING! I enjoy cooking for myself, I'm a pretty good guy kitchen-wise. And since getting into restaurant management a few years ago, meaning you...
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til saturday morning, duder.
now i can't find the comment to read pt2. so what was it?
it sucks when you just don't know what to say, or where to start....so I won't. not today anyway. you understand, right? one of those days, one of those weeks, oh gawd, please tell me it's not gonna be one of those *years*!!!

where's my cocktail?
Damnit.....another one is flaking on me, well, showing flake tendencies anyway. When will I figure this game out?
sorry frown . hopefully soon you too will become enlightened
thanks man. that's really nice of you to say blush