New York is worthy of my love after all. I wander it's streets from Fort Washington to Morningside Heights, from Fort Green to Redhook, in long, unemployed rambles, mentally mapping the smells and sounds that assail me. Shaved ice stands line Broadway for at least 100 blocks, featuring syrupy tamarind that pools in the bottom of the paper cup. The Sycamores are bigger in Boerum Hill, and the streets are therefore cooler on a sunny day. The George Washington Bridge looms and recedes in monstrous proportions when viewed from underneath; from above it arches gracefully, and glows from within at night.

I'm not sure if you've been reading my newsletter, but basically I'm doing construction work in lieu of the I.T. crap that I'm "supposed" to be doing (but the market is crap because the economy is crap). I enjoy the work, but I never really know what (if anything) I'll be doing from day-to-day, and I'm not sure what the upcoming change of season is going to mean in terms of available work.
So, yeah ... definitely glad to be working (and getting paid!), but I'd rather it was something more regular in terms of hours and more in line with where my "expertise" lies. Know what I mean?
Anyhoo ... back to you.
What are you doing ... working in an internship or apprenticeship or something?