Back from Beantown...
Had an AWESOME weekend!
Thursday: my train was an hour and a half late, but as soon as I got to Allston I got stoned and went to a keg party. Which leads us to...
Friday: went to Steve's Kitchen (mmmm) for breakfast, smoked the rest of the day away, finished off with some Anna's Taqueria (double mmmm)
Saturday: smoked, went to IHOP, smoked, saw the DISTILLERS!!! (Brody is sooo hot), went to a ridiculously huge 3-floor kegger and got fucking PLASTERED (1/3-pint of Jim Beam, a couple of beerz, some rum-cider stuff from the ice luge, and a few shots of Apple Vodka)
It was a reminder of why I can't party like that EVERY day. But it was fun while it lasted.
Also- everyone meet my friend lilmissRIOt (from Boston) She rocks! Fuck yea!
Leave a message at the beep.
Had an AWESOME weekend!
Thursday: my train was an hour and a half late, but as soon as I got to Allston I got stoned and went to a keg party. Which leads us to...
Friday: went to Steve's Kitchen (mmmm) for breakfast, smoked the rest of the day away, finished off with some Anna's Taqueria (double mmmm)
Saturday: smoked, went to IHOP, smoked, saw the DISTILLERS!!! (Brody is sooo hot), went to a ridiculously huge 3-floor kegger and got fucking PLASTERED (1/3-pint of Jim Beam, a couple of beerz, some rum-cider stuff from the ice luge, and a few shots of Apple Vodka)
It was a reminder of why I can't party like that EVERY day. But it was fun while it lasted.

Also- everyone meet my friend lilmissRIOt (from Boston) She rocks! Fuck yea!

Leave a message at the beep.
But I would have gone to Zaftig's for breakfast
The Distillers and Dropkick. I am so jealous. fuck yoo!