So we've had our January thaw, meaning it's in the 30's maybe 40 during the day 20's at night for a week or so then we get back to winter

And it was sunny and warm(ish) 40 and sunny in Jan. is

And my new friend went out to take pics with me to break the apartment fever, sitting on this ledge was nice for a minute.

As we watch the people talk on the corner.

Some left over Christmas lites or pre Easter?


A Carmen Electra stripper pole?

The most important question, over or under?

And it was sunny and warm(ish) 40 and sunny in Jan. is

And my new friend went out to take pics with me to break the apartment fever, sitting on this ledge was nice for a minute.

As we watch the people talk on the corner.

Some left over Christmas lites or pre Easter?


A Carmen Electra stripper pole?

The most important question, over or under?

oh, i went to go see avatar today. i was asked by someone why i didn't bring "my girlfriend", to which i replied, "what girlfriend?" to which i was propositioned if i wanted, i could have her as a girlfriend. i'll give you 3 guesses to who this was....