Saturday Sep 17, 2005 Sep 17, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email Hmm, so I update twice in 24 hrs. I'm sooooo bored. Can't even swim anymore. VIEW 3 of 3 COMMENTS luci: awww you should look at the sky green tea is awesome it has like anti- oxidents or some shit like that do you have a dog? you could walk it Sep 17, 2005 luci: is topless down the street legal in your neck o the woods? in some places it is... i.e. NYC. weird eh? you should move that's crap that they wont let youhave a dog iam glad you had fun at your punk rock party!! Sep 18, 2005
green tea is awesome it has like anti- oxidents or some shit like that
do you have a dog? you could walk it
you should move that's crap that they wont let youhave a dog
iam glad you had fun at your punk rock party!!