Well that was fun while it lasted.
Shoulda known it was too good to be true.
Once again my whole weekend (no, more accurately the next MONTH of my life) was ruined by someone else's idiocy, and once again I'm raising the battle cry for instant idiot genocide. I now don't have a phone because after three months of constant billing issues, I've had enough and I've left Revol. First they charge my mom's credit card twice in August, then in September they didn't bother to record that I made my FIFTY FUCKING DOLLAR payment, so now they're telling me either I can pay $83 and essentially pay twice for last month, or my phone gets shut off after tonight. Even if I HAD $83, I would NOT be willing to pay that. But seeing as I don't even have the option, I now have no phone at all. There goes any chance of ever getting a job/social life I might have had.

Once again my whole weekend (no, more accurately the next MONTH of my life) was ruined by someone else's idiocy, and once again I'm raising the battle cry for instant idiot genocide. I now don't have a phone because after three months of constant billing issues, I've had enough and I've left Revol. First they charge my mom's credit card twice in August, then in September they didn't bother to record that I made my FIFTY FUCKING DOLLAR payment, so now they're telling me either I can pay $83 and essentially pay twice for last month, or my phone gets shut off after tonight. Even if I HAD $83, I would NOT be willing to pay that. But seeing as I don't even have the option, I now have no phone at all. There goes any chance of ever getting a job/social life I might have had.

I would give hugs, but Im scared of stabbings