Sorry I haven't been responding to anyone's comments lately, it's been an extra rough couple weeks with school and moving around again and everything, i haven't had hardly any free time at all. hopefully i'll be on more soon and I'll do better about responding, but probably not til after this week. I just found out i have less than 10 days to pay the phone bill I had completely forgotten about, so I'll probably be spending all of my free time out trying to push people into buying my jewelry. (I made some new stuff, I'll put some pics up as soon as I can) I'm only going to pay for the $30 unlimited texting/calling this month though instead of the $50 unlimited everything-i-never-use that i've been paying for, so hopefully I'll be able to come up with the money before my phone gets shut off.
Well guys, it's late, and I have an ungodly amount of homework to get back to in the morning, so that's all for now.
Well guys, it's late, and I have an ungodly amount of homework to get back to in the morning, so that's all for now.