straying from the pack
koffin kats
drunk in the daylight
(if you can find their cd forever for hire anywhere else, I'd actually rather have that than any of these tbh)
psycho skull
(I only want one of these, but I made a list in case they were out of my first choice.)
I want this shirt so freaking bad! but honestly, anything from this site and I'd be satisfied, as long as I like the band. (so that would be basically anything from the casualties, flogging molly, koffin kats, mia, operation ivy, rancid, social distortion, stray cats, street dogs, suicide machines, the unseen, and I'm sure I missed a few but that's plenty right there. and just a heads up, but most of their clearance is stuff from rancid. it's all marked down to like $5 right now, in case anyone else loves them as much as i do.)
watchmen on dvd
rise against's latest cd appeal to reason or the oldie but goodie revolutions per minute.
any cd from any of the bands I mentioned above
movies. I can never have enough movies, and I'm not hugely picky. if it's good I'll probably like it. I've been told I'm getting zombieland already (thanks to one of my besties right here on sg), and my mom got me new moon, so just don't get those and you'll be fine. oh, but I LOVE 16 candles and no one ever has it in their store, so if you can find it that would be perfect. seriously, I've been looking for this movie for YEARS.
gift cards are always good. I need to get some new shoes for work so gift cards could really help.
I love monkeys, so if you get me anything with a monkey on it/ in it/ that is related to monkeys in any way I'll probably love it.
hmm what else...did I say gift cards? my only income has been coming from things I make from craft stores (jewelry, purses, etc.) so gift cards to them would be beyond awesome.
also, if you can't afford a present and you live in the cleveland area, maybe you could volunteer with me over the summer with habitat for humanity instead? i would really love that.
again, a simple happy birthday on the big day will suffice, but i won't turn down gifts.