i didn't like how ranty this one was, so it went bye-bye.
More Blogs
Friday Feb 05, 2010
i need to actually get some sleep tonight, but suddenly i feel the ur… -
Friday Feb 05, 2010
why does murder have to be illegal? and why is it that when i'm sick … -
Tuesday Feb 02, 2010
wow, i don't really know what happened to me yesterday...moving on...… -
Monday Feb 01, 2010
i've decided to quit my online bdd support group. it's not helping an… -
Saturday Jan 30, 2010
so my bitch ex gf, who begged me to be friends with her again, appare… -
Monday Jan 25, 2010
i want to shoot today in the face for ever being born. plain and simp… -
Friday Jan 22, 2010
X- little frightening XX- I usually try to avoid it XXX - AH HOLY F… -
Wednesday Jan 20, 2010
my laptop probably has a virus. the only possible cause anyone could … -
Sunday Jan 10, 2010
i got a new book yesterday. well actually since it's monday technical… -
Thursday Jan 07, 2010
i am done being nice to everybody i come into contact with. i just sp…