i've been feeling an uncontrollable urge to start a spontaneous mosh pit all day. it started this morning when i woke up. i wore my social d tee and blared loud ass punk music all morning, but that only seems to have made things worse. so i decided that my first paycheck from my new job is going to buy me tickets to see the next halfway decent band that comes thru cleveland. and the winner is...
koffin kats. yep, my first psychobilly show. better late than never right? anyway, i really want to go with my friend squidney but neither of us drives. we could get a ride there, but we'd need one back. anyone in the cleveland area interested in accompanying us? come on, good music, hot rockabilly boys (or girls, either way, nom nom nom!), did i mention good music? and 2 awesome fun people you'll be glad you had the opportunity to meet. (cocky? me? never!) but seriously, we need a chauffer for the ride home. if you hate us, you can enjoy the show alone for all i care. but i doubt you will. squidney's one of the most fucking awesome chicks i know, and i'm told i'm not so bad myself. oh, and you should all buy stuff from my etsy shop so i can afford to take my sister from another blister with us too! (she's pretty much a younger version of me. so also awesome.)
classes actually went pretty well today. my philosophy class was kind of a laugh fest today, everyone was just in this slap happy kinda mood i guess. and the stoner kid could not have possibly answered his questions with more excitement if he tried, so i'm guessing he probably got the good shit this morning! XD but hey guess what time it is now? spring break bitches!
who else is in school? what are you doing on your breaks? me, i'm trying to work all break. because remember, I HAVE A MOTHERFUCKING JOB AGAIN! damn that feels good! well i'm supposed to be working on the essay i got an extension on, so ttfnsg.
Confucius pirate say: yaaarrrrg! woman with job see many good bands. see many good bands, mosh lots. lots of moshing makes happy woman!
haha sorry, we're on Confucianism in my religions class right now. i couldn't resist. no more bad attempts at jokes though, promise.
also, new favorite song:
Stumble Upon
i had to add something. i've never had a really serious burn before (i have a brand, but even that healed nicer than this), but i got one on my leg recently. well not too recently, it was weeks ago by now, but it still has a pretty gnarly lookin scab on it. i did everything i could to keep it from scarring, but something tells me this is going to leave one of the worst scars i've ever had. i'm actually kinda pissed because i was planning on putting a tattoo in that area. grrr! personally i can't stop looking at it, but it's pretty un-sexy so i think i'll just hold off on posting any pics of it or anything like that haha. just wanted to include that little tidbit for anyone who remembers me talking about it when it happened.
koffin kats. yep, my first psychobilly show. better late than never right? anyway, i really want to go with my friend squidney but neither of us drives. we could get a ride there, but we'd need one back. anyone in the cleveland area interested in accompanying us? come on, good music, hot rockabilly boys (or girls, either way, nom nom nom!), did i mention good music? and 2 awesome fun people you'll be glad you had the opportunity to meet. (cocky? me? never!) but seriously, we need a chauffer for the ride home. if you hate us, you can enjoy the show alone for all i care. but i doubt you will. squidney's one of the most fucking awesome chicks i know, and i'm told i'm not so bad myself. oh, and you should all buy stuff from my etsy shop so i can afford to take my sister from another blister with us too! (she's pretty much a younger version of me. so also awesome.)
classes actually went pretty well today. my philosophy class was kind of a laugh fest today, everyone was just in this slap happy kinda mood i guess. and the stoner kid could not have possibly answered his questions with more excitement if he tried, so i'm guessing he probably got the good shit this morning! XD but hey guess what time it is now? spring break bitches!
who else is in school? what are you doing on your breaks? me, i'm trying to work all break. because remember, I HAVE A MOTHERFUCKING JOB AGAIN! damn that feels good! well i'm supposed to be working on the essay i got an extension on, so ttfnsg.

haha sorry, we're on Confucianism in my religions class right now. i couldn't resist. no more bad attempts at jokes though, promise.
also, new favorite song:
Stumble Upon
i had to add something. i've never had a really serious burn before (i have a brand, but even that healed nicer than this), but i got one on my leg recently. well not too recently, it was weeks ago by now, but it still has a pretty gnarly lookin scab on it. i did everything i could to keep it from scarring, but something tells me this is going to leave one of the worst scars i've ever had. i'm actually kinda pissed because i was planning on putting a tattoo in that area. grrr! personally i can't stop looking at it, but it's pretty un-sexy so i think i'll just hold off on posting any pics of it or anything like that haha. just wanted to include that little tidbit for anyone who remembers me talking about it when it happened.
it's been quite smashing having this little chat with you, keep it real
I'm going to see a kick ass blue grass band tonight called Cornmeal. You live to far for me being a chaperone.