I GOT THE JOB I GOT THE JOB I HAVE A MOTHERFUCKING JOB FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST THREE WHOLE YEARS! FUCK YES! i'm now employed by the south park mall forever 21. to those who don't shop there, it may look preppy as hell on the outside, and while most stores only seem to carry the kind of shit you'd buy at banana faggot republic (no offense to anyone who shops there, i just like ripping on that store haha!), this one is new and huge and if you venture into the back rooms you'll find wonderful vintage inspired gems that just make me sooooo happy. i love love LOVE vintage clothes. i would dress entirely in clothes from the 60's if i could afford to, but alas, i can't. so instead i go to forever 21, venture into those wonderful back rooms, and find much sturdier items that so closely resemble the vintage attire i do so adore. (btw, all this proper grammar would look much nicer if i bothered with capitalization or paragraph structure of any kind, but i just flat out don't give a fuck because i have a job now bitches!!!)
so, let's review:
1) i have a mothertrucking job home skillet! yes i just said that. gtfoik?
2) i work at one of the only 3 stores i still regularly shop at in the mall.
3) it happens to be the only store in the entire mall where the employees aren't catty bitches. yes, the ONLY one. i really did get that lucky.
4)forever 21 happens to be cheap as shit to begin with, AND i get a discount, so i can now afford to feed my obsession with vintage (inspired) clothes without having to borrow money to pay my phone bill.
the only downside i can see in all this? well there's a couple but they're so minor compared to the fact that i have a MOTHERFUCKING JOB NOW BITCHES! that they don't even matter. still curious? ok.
1) my mom jinxed the weather. she commented on how little snow we had and all of a sudden it starts blizzarding every day since and has barely let up since. thanks mom, ohio loves you for that.
2) my credits for most of my classes most likely still won't transfer, and i can't major in what i want where i'm at, so i either have to find a new major or retake an entire semester's worth of classes when i transfer out. (i'll probably want to change my major in a week anyway so i really don't care that much. it's irritating, but i'm a buddhist now so i'm officially forbidden from taking out my stress by punching babies, so what are you gonna do?)
3)...well actually i think that about does it for the complaints. things are going pretty well. though i am debating on reapplying for sg any time soon. i'm hearing more and more negative things about being a hopeful right now, which is really discouraging. i don't want to be a part of something that enforces that kind of negativity. it's just not good for my stress levels.
anyhoo, i'll post a less rambly blog soon when i get over the initial excitement of finally HAVING A MOTHERFUCKING JOB AGAIN haha, i just can't focus right now. and i have an essay to write by thursday that i haven't even thought about yet. so i really should go. but before i do...
i has a supermegaepichappee XD
so, let's review:
1) i have a mothertrucking job home skillet! yes i just said that. gtfoik?
2) i work at one of the only 3 stores i still regularly shop at in the mall.
3) it happens to be the only store in the entire mall where the employees aren't catty bitches. yes, the ONLY one. i really did get that lucky.
4)forever 21 happens to be cheap as shit to begin with, AND i get a discount, so i can now afford to feed my obsession with vintage (inspired) clothes without having to borrow money to pay my phone bill.
the only downside i can see in all this? well there's a couple but they're so minor compared to the fact that i have a MOTHERFUCKING JOB NOW BITCHES! that they don't even matter. still curious? ok.
1) my mom jinxed the weather. she commented on how little snow we had and all of a sudden it starts blizzarding every day since and has barely let up since. thanks mom, ohio loves you for that.

2) my credits for most of my classes most likely still won't transfer, and i can't major in what i want where i'm at, so i either have to find a new major or retake an entire semester's worth of classes when i transfer out. (i'll probably want to change my major in a week anyway so i really don't care that much. it's irritating, but i'm a buddhist now so i'm officially forbidden from taking out my stress by punching babies, so what are you gonna do?)
3)...well actually i think that about does it for the complaints. things are going pretty well. though i am debating on reapplying for sg any time soon. i'm hearing more and more negative things about being a hopeful right now, which is really discouraging. i don't want to be a part of something that enforces that kind of negativity. it's just not good for my stress levels.
anyhoo, i'll post a less rambly blog soon when i get over the initial excitement of finally HAVING A MOTHERFUCKING JOB AGAIN haha, i just can't focus right now. and i have an essay to write by thursday that i haven't even thought about yet. so i really should go. but before i do...

i has a supermegaepichappee XD
Hmmm, okay, so you are excited about the job... but are you pleased to get it? 

Thanks! I'll need it.. there's some hot ladies there!