i need to actually get some sleep tonight, but suddenly i feel the urge to be productive! this is not helpful right now! in other news, i maded my bed today. since no one will understand why i'm proud to admit that, i'll explain. the last time i made my bed (i mean really made my bed, as in not just threw the blankets back on it but actually tucked them all into the mattress and arranged my pillows properly) was before i hit those double digits. yep. i think i was about 8 or 9. after that i figured, why make the bed when i'm just gonna lay in it again? but i digress, i'm going to take some allergy medicine so maybe i can turn off the faucet that is my sinuses long enough to actually get some sleep for once, and hopefully the productive feelings will still be there tomorrow when i wake up. i have lots of cleaning and studying to do this weekend. night sg.
oh, and go show my buddeh Tevyn some love on her new set, i wanna see this beauty go pink, she deserves it!
oh, and go show my buddeh Tevyn some love on her new set, i wanna see this beauty go pink, she deserves it!
Come visit!!
I probably SHOULDNT drive lol! Thanks again