i got a new book yesterday. well actually since it's monday technically 2 days ago. but anyway, i digress. i got a new book. i'ts a short little history of gandhi and a whole bunch of quotes. best $2 i think i ever spent. for those of you who don't know this just by talking to me (which i'm assuming is everyone reading this), gandhi to me is like jesus to those devout christians you'll find in tents down south. if i can be like gandhi in any way, my life will be complete. so this book is either going to be the inspiration i need to get my life on the right path, or it's going to drive me insane trying. because i've committed to carry it with me at all times, and from now on, whenever i feel like getting mad and/or going off on someone like i so often do, i'm going to pull out this book and read it until i find a quote that makes me feel better. my hope is that one day i won't need the book, that i'll just be able to calm myself down on my own, but until i get to that point, i'm going to stick with the book. and if anyone else knows any good little books like that that could help me, i'd appreciate the recommendation.
on a completely different and unrelated note, i've also been thinkng a lot lately about maybe trying to do some work with habitat for humanity over the summer, since my dream of joining the peace corps was completely squashed and i really don't want to give up on charities altogether. i was just going to search it online, but if anyone knows any better way to go about doing something like that please let me know, i would like to investigate this idea further before summer comes and it's too late.
hopefully this is the kind of attitude you can expect to see more of in the near future. thanks for listening and reading guys. you're the best. and now i'll leave you with a quote from my new "bible": "he who loses his individuality loses all." thank you gandhi.
on a completely different and unrelated note, i've also been thinkng a lot lately about maybe trying to do some work with habitat for humanity over the summer, since my dream of joining the peace corps was completely squashed and i really don't want to give up on charities altogether. i was just going to search it online, but if anyone knows any better way to go about doing something like that please let me know, i would like to investigate this idea further before summer comes and it's too late.
hopefully this is the kind of attitude you can expect to see more of in the near future. thanks for listening and reading guys. you're the best. and now i'll leave you with a quote from my new "bible": "he who loses his individuality loses all." thank you gandhi.
text me! i'm either working or at school or laying on my ass, i'm here for you!