i am done being nice to everybody i come into contact with. i just spent over 5 hours the last 2 days at the fucking community college trying to get signed up for classes so i can keep my insurance. why did i have to go up there in the first place? because every single time i've called for the last THREE FUCKING WEEKS no one answered the phone. NOT ONCE. so i went up there wednesday (cancelled my sledding plans and everything, hoping to get it done in one day and be done with it) and found out after waiting an hour and a half to see a counselor that i was just going to be booted out of the classes she put me into anyway bc i couldn't pay that day. REALLY? you couldn't tell me BEFORE i wasted all that time? REALLY? thank you so fucking much.
so i had to go back up there today so i could sign back up and pay so that i could actually STAY in my classes this time. spent another 2 hours. am i done yet? can i just worry about GOING to class now? no. because the RETARD who insisted on signing up for one of my classes FOR me (after asking me to show her how to run their online program, btw) put me in a monday wednesday friday class after i specifically told her i wanted a tuesday thursday since thats when ALL my other classes were. my whole plan is to get a job and work 3 days a week and go to school 2 days a week so i can still have a social life and not have a nervous breakdown again. well obviously i can't work 3 days a week if i'm scheduled to go to class for 5 of them! not to mention that i have to take 2 or 3 busses to get there as it is, so WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT 5 DAYS A WEEK INSTEAD OF 2???
well of course i didn't notice til i got home, bc i figured what kind of idiot wouldnt pay attention to the days when i explained that the days were more important than what class it was? so now i'm stuck with the 3 classes left available: women's studies, life drawing, and ethics. the only one i would even be remotely interested in taking is ethics, but i already have 2 philosophy courses as it is, so i'm not about to add a 3rd. my brain can only work so hard in a day. so now i have to go BACK up there AGAIN tomorrow so that i can scream my head off at a counselor until i get put into the class i was supposed to be in in the first place. bad enough no one answered a single phone call for 3 weeks, but after 5 hours of their staff INSISTING on "helping" me through every single step, there is no excuse whatsoever for me to have to go BACK up there again.
oh, and the best part? THEIR SEMESTER STARTS TOMORROW. yep, tomorrow. so i'm now signing up for classes LATE because of their idiot staff. i swear to fucking satan if ONE of them asks if they can "HELP" me again, i'm going to chew their head off and hand it to them. i want to fucking kill them all. there is no excuse for this whatsoever. this is most of my friend's last weekends here before going back to their real colleges (which i only WISH i could afford to go to), and this is NOT the way i wanted to spend it. fucking kill me now, because i'm sick of this school already and i haven't even been to class yet!

(EDITED to say that i finally have my schedule all fixed up. i'm now taking intro to philosophy at 10:30-11:45 on tuesdays and thursdays, comparative world religions from 1:30 - 2:45 on tuesdays and thursdays, general psychology from 3:00- 5;40 on tuesdays, and honors college comp 1 wheneverthefuckifeelliketakingitbecauseit'sonline. hopefully there will be no further problems with this. i'm carpooling with someone there and taking a bus home unless i befriend someone in my last class who i can drive with.)
so i had to go back up there today so i could sign back up and pay so that i could actually STAY in my classes this time. spent another 2 hours. am i done yet? can i just worry about GOING to class now? no. because the RETARD who insisted on signing up for one of my classes FOR me (after asking me to show her how to run their online program, btw) put me in a monday wednesday friday class after i specifically told her i wanted a tuesday thursday since thats when ALL my other classes were. my whole plan is to get a job and work 3 days a week and go to school 2 days a week so i can still have a social life and not have a nervous breakdown again. well obviously i can't work 3 days a week if i'm scheduled to go to class for 5 of them! not to mention that i have to take 2 or 3 busses to get there as it is, so WHY THE FUCK WOULD I WANT TO DO THAT 5 DAYS A WEEK INSTEAD OF 2???
well of course i didn't notice til i got home, bc i figured what kind of idiot wouldnt pay attention to the days when i explained that the days were more important than what class it was? so now i'm stuck with the 3 classes left available: women's studies, life drawing, and ethics. the only one i would even be remotely interested in taking is ethics, but i already have 2 philosophy courses as it is, so i'm not about to add a 3rd. my brain can only work so hard in a day. so now i have to go BACK up there AGAIN tomorrow so that i can scream my head off at a counselor until i get put into the class i was supposed to be in in the first place. bad enough no one answered a single phone call for 3 weeks, but after 5 hours of their staff INSISTING on "helping" me through every single step, there is no excuse whatsoever for me to have to go BACK up there again.
oh, and the best part? THEIR SEMESTER STARTS TOMORROW. yep, tomorrow. so i'm now signing up for classes LATE because of their idiot staff. i swear to fucking satan if ONE of them asks if they can "HELP" me again, i'm going to chew their head off and hand it to them. i want to fucking kill them all. there is no excuse for this whatsoever. this is most of my friend's last weekends here before going back to their real colleges (which i only WISH i could afford to go to), and this is NOT the way i wanted to spend it. fucking kill me now, because i'm sick of this school already and i haven't even been to class yet!

(EDITED to say that i finally have my schedule all fixed up. i'm now taking intro to philosophy at 10:30-11:45 on tuesdays and thursdays, comparative world religions from 1:30 - 2:45 on tuesdays and thursdays, general psychology from 3:00- 5;40 on tuesdays, and honors college comp 1 wheneverthefuckifeelliketakingitbecauseit'sonline. hopefully there will be no further problems with this. i'm carpooling with someone there and taking a bus home unless i befriend someone in my last class who i can drive with.)
I hope everything works out for you. I had nothing but problems with school and financial aid no matter what I did always.