is there a big flashing neon sign somewhere on my person that says "dump drama here?" or maybe "human punching bag" or "patsy for hire?" bc i have been drawn into the center of more pointless drama in the last week or so than any other week in my life, and it's stressing me out to the point where it's making the little things bother me that much more. i can't take this anymore! i had to block certain numbers from my phone bc ppl just would not leave me alone about their drama! i had all 3 parties involved in an argument all start texting me at the same time, ABOUT the argument, which i am not involved in in any way. ik i've always been that friend that you can call ANY TIME to talk about anything, but jesus fucking christ i have my limits. so-and-so calling you names is not an excuse to wake me up after one of my rare good days! i thought i was done with all that when i got out of high school, but apparently not.
Just isolate yourself from the world. Pulling a Chris McCandless always works...
You could do what I do and have no friends, then there's no drama! Of course the trade off is kind of a pain.