so, this little vacation has gone pretty well so far i'd say. went on a little adventure with my sissy janel (i bought a new purse and a new knife and some root beer incense with the little bit of spending money i had saved up) then saw zombieland again with her and my mom. they both loved it as much as i do, but to be perfectly honest my mom laughed as hard as either one of us! the robot has emotions! it's a miracle!
then last night was the big rivalry game (and more importantly) the last game ever for all my high school band seniors this year, major sadface-age.
it was also their halloween show so they were all in costume according to their section. it was zombies and mummies and pirates and reapers glaore, and it looked awesome! so much good music last night, including...THRILLER!!! i was jumping up and down in the stands like a little kid when they did thriller, bc we haven't done thriller since MY freshman year! and it looked so awesome in costume!
but of course the football team being the berea lames (oh sorry i meant braves) lost FORTY SEVEN TO SEVEN. no joke. it would have been painful if it wasn't so routine. but one of the parents from the other school walking in before the game actually said "does their band have to make our band look THAT bad?" so hey, apparently they accomplished their goal! go band kids!
kinda feeling sick again today (i know again ?), but i'm pushing through it anyway because the zombies invade tonight!!!
the best news of all is that this time next year i will be on my way to the ohio sg halloween party!!! sadly it couldnt be this year, but nothing will stop me from being there next year. nothing! bc it just so happens that nearly ALL of my favorite sg's happen to be ohio girls! lucky me!
update because i'm too lazy to just write a new blog: so the zombie invasion was a success. there only ended up being 4 of us but we had fun anyway and we got tons of candy, which is the important part. probably shouldn't have eaten so much at once, and i've been suffering for it all day, but half the fun of halloween when you're too young to drink is pigging out on candy til you puke right? (rhetorical question, i don't care if you disagree, bc that's one of my favorite parts haha!) i am however disappointed that not one single house gave out caramel apple suckers this year, which just so happen to be my favorite thing in the entire world aside from real caramel apples. but it's ok bc i mentioned to the bf how disappointed i was and i do believe he hinted that he might just go out and get some for me, yay!!! i knew there was a reason i keep him around!
then last night was the big rivalry game (and more importantly) the last game ever for all my high school band seniors this year, major sadface-age.

but of course the football team being the berea lames (oh sorry i meant braves) lost FORTY SEVEN TO SEVEN. no joke. it would have been painful if it wasn't so routine. but one of the parents from the other school walking in before the game actually said "does their band have to make our band look THAT bad?" so hey, apparently they accomplished their goal! go band kids!
kinda feeling sick again today (i know again ?), but i'm pushing through it anyway because the zombies invade tonight!!!
the best news of all is that this time next year i will be on my way to the ohio sg halloween party!!! sadly it couldnt be this year, but nothing will stop me from being there next year. nothing! bc it just so happens that nearly ALL of my favorite sg's happen to be ohio girls! lucky me!
update because i'm too lazy to just write a new blog: so the zombie invasion was a success. there only ended up being 4 of us but we had fun anyway and we got tons of candy, which is the important part. probably shouldn't have eaten so much at once, and i've been suffering for it all day, but half the fun of halloween when you're too young to drink is pigging out on candy til you puke right? (rhetorical question, i don't care if you disagree, bc that's one of my favorite parts haha!) i am however disappointed that not one single house gave out caramel apple suckers this year, which just so happen to be my favorite thing in the entire world aside from real caramel apples. but it's ok bc i mentioned to the bf how disappointed i was and i do believe he hinted that he might just go out and get some for me, yay!!! i knew there was a reason i keep him around!

I'm weird because when horrible things happen to me, I start to laugh and laugh... and people think I am batshit crazy... I probably am...
but yeah, living with the folks can suck, my dad took my debit card away after looking at my bank statements, and now has threatened to take my checks away too... I wonder how illegal that is? My mail and my money that I have worked for. Also he likes to guilt trip me, "I can't sleep until I know you're home!" So yeah, pain in the buttocks but
I've had a situation where I laughed giving a eulogy at my grandpa's funeral. I was totally heartbroken, but couldn't help but laugh. My dad wasn't amused. Although I gotta say the time I laughed the most due to something horrifying was when I was looking for the digital camera in my parents room, and instead found a lot of really disturbing kinky shit... sheer disbelief led the laughing for probably half an hour straight.