so i'm pretty sick right now, not sure who infected me but the point is if i'm on here at all it won't be for very long. if you had jewelry ordered, it may take a little longer than i had planned. i don't want to even touch my materials while i'm sick since the hemp and the wooden beads and the plastic beads can all act like sponges for germs, and i wouldn't want to get anyone else sick. i may be on n off to check my messages and comments, but i probably won't be coherent enough to respond for a few days if for no other reason than bc of the hefty doses of meds i'll be on. its not the flu, and DEFINITELY not swine flu. i'm actually pretty sure its just a normal bad cold which wouln't really affect most people too badly at all, but bc my immune system is almost nonexistant lately, its hitting me really really hard. i'm sure i'll recover by next week, it just might take me a couple weeks. anyways, i'm exhausted from this illness, i'm going back to bed. see you guys in a few days.
feel better soon 

feel better! sleep is wonderful