so while every single day of this weekend completely blew, today was amazing. i found out my little sister from another blister is making me a "care package" which i will get tomorrow filled with food and amazingness that i really do need right now, and when i went to marcs they had these little pirate skull things that i wanted so bad but couldnt afford so i DIDN'T BUY ONE! i'm so proud of myself! i actually didn't just throw money away on something just bc it was cheap and i wanted it. but what i DID buy was...CARAMEL APPLE SUCKERS!!! i fucking love those things so much you have no idea. i wait literally all year bc for whatever reason you can only ever find them around halloween. i ate one as soon as i got home and it was delicious. and i also got halloween funfetti icing and cupcake mix. one of these days i am going to take another step towards conquering my crippling fear of ovens and bake those little buggers. and they will be delicious.
i also bought the hair dye that i've been needing for forever and just never got around to buying. my roots are coming in not my normal color at all and it's really bugging me. bad enough i lighten my hair so not only is the fact that its growing in dark bothering me, but it's bothering me since i'm used to bright ass auburn and what i'm getting is faded orangey-ness and dark ass brown roots. it just looks bad.
on a lighter note, my mailbox was full of happy today. i got the beads i ordered for a necklace that someone had asked me to make which i was really excited to get started on (it came out beautifully by the way, i wish i could keep it for myself lol!) along with the random "artisian lustre" beads that i got for FITTY CENT!!!" which i also love. they're really pretty and i can't wait to start making things with them.
besides the beads there was $100 visa gift card!!! it was a promotion when i was looking for apartments that if i got one from a listing on and filled out their application i would get the card, and it came in the mail today! (finally!) so i can finally get myself some new shoes (i was really starting to worry that it would snow and i'd still only have flip flops and shoes with holes in them hah!)
oh oh oh! and the best part of all...I GET TO SEE DALTON TOMORROW!!!!!!! i'm soooooooo psyched. i havent seen him in weeks and it has been KILLING me! but he's coming over tomorrow, yayz! (and woot woot, our anniversary is next week!!! if i can get ahold of a working camera i'll post pics of the presents i made him. my favorite one is the message in a bottle necklace with a little note inside that says "for the first time in years i feel truly alive. you've stolen my heart and i never want it back" im so excited to give them to him!)
see, much better mood this time!!! now who wants to die my hair for me?

i also bought the hair dye that i've been needing for forever and just never got around to buying. my roots are coming in not my normal color at all and it's really bugging me. bad enough i lighten my hair so not only is the fact that its growing in dark bothering me, but it's bothering me since i'm used to bright ass auburn and what i'm getting is faded orangey-ness and dark ass brown roots. it just looks bad.
on a lighter note, my mailbox was full of happy today. i got the beads i ordered for a necklace that someone had asked me to make which i was really excited to get started on (it came out beautifully by the way, i wish i could keep it for myself lol!) along with the random "artisian lustre" beads that i got for FITTY CENT!!!" which i also love. they're really pretty and i can't wait to start making things with them.
besides the beads there was $100 visa gift card!!! it was a promotion when i was looking for apartments that if i got one from a listing on and filled out their application i would get the card, and it came in the mail today! (finally!) so i can finally get myself some new shoes (i was really starting to worry that it would snow and i'd still only have flip flops and shoes with holes in them hah!)
oh oh oh! and the best part of all...I GET TO SEE DALTON TOMORROW!!!!!!! i'm soooooooo psyched. i havent seen him in weeks and it has been KILLING me! but he's coming over tomorrow, yayz! (and woot woot, our anniversary is next week!!! if i can get ahold of a working camera i'll post pics of the presents i made him. my favorite one is the message in a bottle necklace with a little note inside that says "for the first time in years i feel truly alive. you've stolen my heart and i never want it back" im so excited to give them to him!)
see, much better mood this time!!! now who wants to die my hair for me?

Those caramel apple suckers rock! i'm going to start hunting them down today. every year i forget about them and then ruin my tongue sucking them as soon as they come back, it's horribly great. Have a great week! Good luck with your hair coloringz
So you like true blood? Erik the head vampire are from Sweden and even speaks Swedish from time to time
The Swedish accent is kind a cool. I just have lived in so many places so I think myn is a bit tainted. I lived i Australia and England for a wile and i used to travel a lot before.