i'm too pissed off and discouraged to even enjoy the awesomeness of zombieland quotes today. fuck job hunting. fuck it right in its left ear. i just don't have it in me today. i guess i'll just take a shower and go grocery shopping with money i can't afford to spend, then go do laundry with even more money that i can't afford to spend. after the sudden rush of business, i now can't seem to sell anymore jewelry at all, so i don't even have that to help me out. and no one is willing to drive me up to the welfare office, i guess i see who my real friends are after all. its days like this i just wish i could crawl into a hole in the wall and just cease to exist at all. that would make my life so much easier.

well it worked out ok. I didn't *lose* any money, I just didn't make any.
I got a message from MM today saying the guy has already been banned.