at my mom's for today and tomorrow. i feel much better than i did when i wrote my last blog. i went to my mom's the day after i wrote it. she worked the night before so she slept most of the day, but i went over to the bf's when he got back from school so that cheered me up.
thursday i went with dalton (the bf) and one of my besties colin to dalton's friends' apartment. his friend kandi had to leave for band practice so we didn't really get to see her more than a few seconds, but his other friend heather did tarot readings for all of us. that was an experience. but i got to see him for a couple hours again, so it was ok.
then today my mom picked me up n we just chilled around the house with the dogs for a bit. then we went to sleep on the couches and had group nap time lol. even the boys(dogs) wanted in on that action! dalton was sad he missed naptime by about 10 minutes when he came over after school. then we all went to the movies and saw district 9. it was possibly the worst movie i have ever seen...and i must own it immediately!!! to quote the bf, "it had a plot you could drive a truck through", there was no character development at all, it had that shaky-cam thing goin on (i experienced motion sickness for the first time in my life after watching cloverfield, the father of shaky-cam-on-the-big-screen movies), and it just generally didn't make much sense at all, but it was an instant classic in my mind. my life will not be complete until i can add that movie to my collection permanently. as a huge fan of b-movies in general, i can honestly say that this is one of the most amusing movies i've seen all year. we laughed the whole time (i almost peed my pants laughing a couple times it just got so rediculously bad), tho madre adimantly denied that she liked it later lol.
but that's how she is. i get my stubbornness from her so i won't argue with her. anyway, i would definitely recommend it, but add a disclaimer to prepare yourself for an assault of awsomfulness (which is my word i invented that means something is so bad you just fall in love with it instantly).
ok so this was long and pointless, but i'm in a writing mood so there it is. maybe i'll go back to working on my novel now...
thursday i went with dalton (the bf) and one of my besties colin to dalton's friends' apartment. his friend kandi had to leave for band practice so we didn't really get to see her more than a few seconds, but his other friend heather did tarot readings for all of us. that was an experience. but i got to see him for a couple hours again, so it was ok.
then today my mom picked me up n we just chilled around the house with the dogs for a bit. then we went to sleep on the couches and had group nap time lol. even the boys(dogs) wanted in on that action! dalton was sad he missed naptime by about 10 minutes when he came over after school. then we all went to the movies and saw district 9. it was possibly the worst movie i have ever seen...and i must own it immediately!!! to quote the bf, "it had a plot you could drive a truck through", there was no character development at all, it had that shaky-cam thing goin on (i experienced motion sickness for the first time in my life after watching cloverfield, the father of shaky-cam-on-the-big-screen movies), and it just generally didn't make much sense at all, but it was an instant classic in my mind. my life will not be complete until i can add that movie to my collection permanently. as a huge fan of b-movies in general, i can honestly say that this is one of the most amusing movies i've seen all year. we laughed the whole time (i almost peed my pants laughing a couple times it just got so rediculously bad), tho madre adimantly denied that she liked it later lol.

ok so this was long and pointless, but i'm in a writing mood so there it is. maybe i'll go back to working on my novel now...


I buy glasses like most girls buy shoes.. Haha I get a new pair like every 6 months hahaha