i spoilered it since it's so long. if you actually take the time to read this then i commend you, bc i'm not sure i would read anything that long if i had anything better to do.
anyway, since then, i've stopped hating my dreads (tho they haven't stopped itching yet), cleared up the move-in date (which is going to be on the 17th like i had always planned), filled out a change of address form online, got a quote for renter's insurance which i think i'm going to buy tomorrow, and set up my electricity online, tho i'm not sure if any of it worked since i did it all online and i have no luck at all with technology. i'm going to hope for the best tho.
so after i move in on monday (and possibly tuesday if i don't get it all finished in a day), i'm going job hunting all week (except for wednesday which is my apartment warming party. if you live in the area and want to attend, hit me up if i know you well enough i just might give you the info.) and then interviewing possible roommates. wish me luck guys, bc if i don't get this all figured out soon i'll not only lose the apartment but also my mom's respect since her name's on the lease and it will ruin her credit.
and a huge thank you to everyone who has listened to all my bitching recently. i'm sorry i haven't been more pleasant.
well in case anyone was wondering what was going on before that was making me so angry, here it is. this is a message i sent to someone on here, but i just copied it and pasted it since i didn't feel like rewriting all of it out again. i've gotten part of it fixed by now and i feel much better about the whole situation, but i'm still stressing pretty hard. anyway, this is why i was so upset.
Well give him some pepto bismo so I can sleep through the night. My cats hate when our dog barks. They will literally smack her in the face and chase her. It's the funniest thing ever. It even gets even better sometimes cause the dog doesn't see too well and sometimes the cats will chase her right into a wall. I almost peed myself laughing one time. The best time ever was when a bird somehow got into our house and was literally flying/chasing after the dog. The bird chased her all over the house.
maybe if they're that bored!hahaha