What I Have Already:
- kitchen table and a large end table with lots of storage space,
- 2 tv's, vcr and dvd player
- plates, glasses, mugs, and silverware
- tv stand and dvd rack
- microwave and toaster
- trash can
- towels/ washcloths
- small dresser and small end table for the bedroom
What I Still Need:
- chairs (foldout would work fine)
- couch or futon for the living room
- converter box for the tv
- cooking utensils (spatula and whatnot)
- tupperware containers (important for someone who avoids cooking like the plague)
- a canopener
- cleanign supplies (thanks avaadora for pointing that one out lol)
anything that anyone can help with would be greatly appreciated. also, i have an abundance of stuffed animals that are in nearly perfect condition that may need a good home, as i just won't have room for them in the apartment. so if you, or anyone you know, maybe has little kids that may appreciate these let me know. if i have to ship them then you'll have to pay, but when i say abundance i mean abundance so it would be worth it.
and i have a blood infection. fmlfmlfml!!! but it's actually ok bc i was worried for a while that it was something more serious (stupid doctors making me worry for nothing!), so it was a huge relief to find out that that's all it was! gotta say tho, i really hate antibiotics. i've been really sick the last couple days, and i know it's from the antibiotics more than the infection. i always have bad reactions to antibiotics, and i avoid them at all costs (probably how the infection spread to my blood in the first place ) but i'm not contagious, and as long as i stay on the antibiotics the doc cleared me to get my new tattoo on saturday, yay!
OH! and i can't forget the most exciting news of all:
i'm getting dreads tomorrow!!!
i'm so excited! i just need to run out and get some of those little rubber bands for separating tomorrow during the day. anyone know where i might find those? wish me luck! i'll post all kinds of pics, promise.
p.s.: stay tuned in the near future for some other new pics, i'll be posting the pictures i take for my sg application as soon as i turn it in!
ill try to keep this from being a novel next time lol. thanks for reading!
i am super excited, this guy from addicted tattoos of pearl in parma finally got back to me about finishing up my nightmare before christmas sleeve....
yeah its cool bout the money, i figured you where tired.
hell i ment to take pictures of your hair and forgot...so now ill have to steel your pics..lol