what am i upset about? well, i don't believe i've really mentioned anything on here about this so far, but i had my identity stolen about a month ago (or at least they hacked my checking account and stole $90). i was told when i found out that in order to file for identity theft, i had to send in a complete charge report indicating which charge was not made by me, and (bc us bank has the most retarded system of doing things EVER) it could take about a week for them to email it to me. well, a while later, when i was hurriedly checking my email while in france SPECIFICALLY so i could get the report sent out and get the whole thing taken care of quickly, i noticed that i STILL had not received the charge report.
well, now i was just furious, because it had been over a week already. so, i emailed their customer service saying i wanted a paper copy at my house by the time i got home from france or i'd be taking legal action on them as well as filing the id theft report.
so, i get home from france, already in a bad mood from other things (which are really inconsequential compared to this so im not going to bother getting into detail), to find the charge report sitting on the table unopened (thank god, since my mother was NOT allowed to know about this). i opened it up only to find that the first date on the report was dated AFTER the theft happened. NOT HELPFUL AT ALL!!!
so i went to email the bank again, even MORE angrily this time, only to find i had an email saying that my password had been changed. well, i most certainly did NOT do this myself. so instead of just going off on them about their incompetence in completing a simple task like sending a charge report, i went off on them over the fact that their "secure" online banking was far from secure.
well, long story short, it turns out that the money was stolen directly from the "secure" online banking, which is why it didnt show up on the charge report (which i finally received YESTERDAY), and the bank was "very sorry for your misfortune", but basically told me that there was absolutely no hope of catching whoever did it, but i could still file the report if i wanted.
needless to say, i am now searching for another bank to transfer every penny of my money to so that this will not happen again. in the meantime, i have changed my pin and asked that any further password changes be approved by not only myself but a bank official 24 hours in advance to being allowed to remove any cash for any reason at all. hopefully this will keep me from losing any more money til i can find a bank that isn't run by complete and total imbiciles.

in other news, i need to find an apartment and possibly a roommate in the cleveland area near one of the tri-c campuses sometime in the near future, so if anyone knows any websites to look on or knows of a cheap place please please please let me know.
Yep, been there before! I have Tcf now and haven't had any problems. And they're open on Sunday, which is awesome for my always late and procrastinating ass. LOL

That is crazy! I am so sorry that all happened to you
And thanks for your support, and same back to you hun!